
Wednesday 17 August 2016

Chapter 8 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons

2nd year Chemistry Aliphatic Hydrocarbons MCQs
chapter 8
1.                  Mercapto group is present in
(a)                       Ether       (b) Thiol         (c) Ester (d)   Acid amide 
2.                  Which one of the following solvents is unlikely to dissolve an organic compound?

(a)                       Water      (b) Benzene  (c) Chloroform       (d)   Ether
3.                  Cyano group is present in 
(a)                       Alkane nitriles        (b) Nitro compounds 
(c)   Thiol compounds (d)  None of them
4.                  Cyclohexane is an example of 
(a)                       Saturated hydrocarbons        
(b)                       Unsaturated hydrocarbons
(c)                       Alicyclic hydrocarbons          (d) Aromatic hydrocarbons 26.   Acetic acid derives its name from
               (a) Honey                (b) Vinegar             (c) Water                (d) Milk
Aliphatic Hydrocarbons
27.                  In ________ reduction a ketone is reduced to an alkane using Zinc amalgam and hydrochloric acid 
(a)    Clemmensen (b) Wolf kishrer   (c)     Kolbe   (d)  None of them
28.                  ____________ decomposed on treatment with water or dilute acid to give alkanes.
(a)    Alcohol             (b) Alkene              (c)  Ketones     
    (d)  Grignard reagent
29.                  Addition of hydrogen halide over an unsymmetrical alkene is governed by 
(a)    Einstein’s rule (b) Barbara’a Rule         (c)   Markownikov’s rule    (d) None of them
30.                  Ethyne on oxidation with strong alkaline KMnO4 gives
(a)    Glycol       (b) Glycerols  (c) Glyoxal      
(d)  None of them
Aliphatic Hydrocarbons 
31.                  Ethyne contain ___________     - bonds 
(a)    One          (b) Two          (c) Three                        (d)   Four
32.                  The correct order of reactivity of halogens with alkanes is 
            (a)  I2 > Br2 > Cl2 > F2                         (b) I2 > Cl2 > F2 > Br2
            (c) F2 > Cl2 > I2 > Br2                   (d) F2 > Cl2 > Br2 > I2
33.                  Which product is not formed during the electrolysis of potassium  maleate.
            (a)       KOH        (b)  Ethyne             (c)  Ethene             (d) H2
34.                  When sodium acetate is heated with soda lime, the product is 
            (a) C3H8              (b) C2H6                  (c) CH4             
            (d) None of these 
35.                  1-butyne and 2-butyne can be distinguished using 
            (a)  Alkaline KMnO4           (b) Br2 water  
            (c)  Ammonical AgNO3     (d)  None of these 
36.                  Ozonolysis of C2H4 forms
            (a) Glyoxal                         (b)  Formic acid      
            (c) Acetone                        (d)  Methanal 
37.                  The number of acidic hydrogen in propyne is 
            (a) 1            (b)  2                        (c) 3                       (d) 4
38.                  A carbonium ion is                    hybridized 
            (a) Sp2        (b) Sp                      (c) Sp3                              (d) dsp2

39.                  Butene can have 
            (a) Two position isomers          (b) Cis-trans isomers 
            (c) Both a and b                 (d) None of these 
40.                  The most important fraction of petroleum is  
            (a) Kerosene oil                 (b)  Diesel                

            (c) Gasoline                       (d)  Ligroin  

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