
Wednesday 17 August 2016

Mathematics MCQs PIEAS entry test without answers

PIEAS entry test


1) A=[1,2,3,4] 
Is which function?
(a) One to one
(b) Onto
(c) Not onto
(d) Bijective
2) Value of (tanx)/(1+tanx) as x comes closer and closer to pi/2
(a) 1
(b) Infinity
(c) pi/2
(d) None of these
3) The series 1/3.4 + 1/4.5 +.... 1/(n+2)(n+3)
(a) Divergent
(b) Convergent
(c) Fluctuating
(d) None of these 
4) Which of the following is the Volume of right circular cone?
(a) 2/3 pi r^2 h
(b) 3/2 pi r^2 h
(c) 1/2 pi r^2 h
(d) 1/3 pi r^2 h
5) The number of arrangement of letters in TALLAHASSEE with no two A's adjacent...
A..1 million 
6) The smallest perimeter of a rectangle having area 25 cm ^2 is:
(a) 16 cm 
(b) 20 cm 
(c) 25 
7) If a notorius postman delivers 4 letters to four houses in such ways that none gets the right letter then how many total ways can there be?
(a) 2
(c) 3
(c) 5
(d) 9
8) The volume of solid cylinder if y=x^2 and x may be in between 0 to 2 is
(a) 32/(3pi)
(b) 32/(6pi)
(c) 15/(16pi)
(d) None of these
9) A=[0 -1 1]t 
B=[-3 1 1]t
angle b/w them (t is transpose)
a) 1.6 rad
b) 1.4 rad
c) 1.5 rad

10) (options and equation of this mcq not sure ) solution of three lines
2x+y=2                                                                                                                                     x+y=-2
a) 1  b)infine c)intermediately d)none  
11) What is the inverse of the function y=x^3 - 1
(a) cuberoot(x+1)
(b) cuberoot(x^3 + 1)
(b) x^3 + 1
(d) sqroot(x^2 + 1)
12)   (i+1/i-1)*12 = ??
13) |3/4 x - 1| = |1/2 x + 1|
(a) x=0,3
(b) x=0,4
(c) x=0,2
(d) x=7,6
13) )Rank of matrix 
[ 2 5 3]
[ 1 -1 3]
[ 5 0 3]
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) zero

14) The domain of the function y=sqroot(2x^2 + 5x - 12) is
(a) [-infinity,+infinity]
(b) (-infinity,4] U [3/2,infinity)
(c) (-infinity, +infinity)
(d) None of these
15) The 9th term in the expansion of (1/y - 2/x)^11 is
(a) 165x^3/8y^8
(b) 165y^3/8x^3
(c) 1520y^9/2x^3
(d) None of these
16)The volume of solid cylinder if y=x^2 and x may be in between 0 to 2 is
(a) 32/(3pi)
(b) 32/(6pi)
(c) 15/(16pi)
(d) None of these
17) The roots of the equation x^3 - ax^2 + x + 1=0 are 1,-1,2. Then the value of a will be
(A) -1
(b) 1
(c) 2
(d) None of these
18) The solid cylinder y=x is rotated around x-axis. Which of the following can be it?
(a) Hyperbloid Revolution 
(b) Parabloid Revolution
(c) Right circular cone
(d) Ellipsoid Revolution
19) The concavity of the function y=x^3 - x^2 - 6x + 3 is
(a) [0.5,-0.5]
(b) [0.5,2.5]
(c) [-0.5,0.25]
(d) None of these
20) limit x approaches 0 (sinx)/(1+cosx)
(a) 0
(b) Infinity
(c) 1
(d) None of these

                                             Kindly post your feedback and answers in comments.                                        

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