
Tuesday 30 August 2016

NET Chemistry Engineering MCQs practice

Important Chemistry MCQs entry test

Q.1: The last digit of a number is generally considered uncertain by ±1 in the absence of qualifying information.
(a) +1                                                               (b) - 1     
  (c) +/-1                                                            (d) None of these

Q.2:  C + O2   → CO2, when 13 g of carbon is treated with 45g oxygen to produce        CO2, the___________ is limiting reactant.   
            (a) Carbon                                                       (b) Oxygen                                          (c) both a & b                                                        (d) None of these

Q.3: The ______ mass of NaCl is 58.   
            (a) Molar                                                         (b) Molecular                                                  (c) both a & b                                              (d) None of these
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Q.4 A process in which a gaseous substance changes into liquid substance is called  ______   
            (a) melting                                                                  (b) boiling                     (c) condensation                          (d) None of these
chemistry engineering
Q.5:  273ºC = 
            (a)  Zero K                                                       (b) 273K                                               (c) 546K                                                          (d) None of these

Q.6: A container is filled with CO2 & H2 gas, then which gas is assigned as r1 According to Dalton’s law of partial pressure?
            (a) H2                                                               (b) CO2                                                (c) CO2 + H2                                                          (d) None of these

Q.7: The mass of atmosphere on our body at sea level at 0ºC is ______
            (a) 1atm                                                          (b) 760 torr                                                     (c) 14.7 psi                                                                   (d) None of these

Q.8:                  This graph shows the _________ in volume when pressure is increased.
(a) Increase                                                     (b) decrease                                       (c) constant                                                     (d) None of these

Q.9: Anode rays are produced from____
            (a) Anode                                                        (b) cathode                                          (c) both a & b                                                       (d) None of these

Q.10: An anion is _____ than its parent atom in atomic size
            (a) Smaller                                                      (b) larger                                                                                 (c) same                                                                    (d) none of these

Q.11: How many chemical bonds are present in O2  molecule?
            (a) 1                                                                 (b) 2                                                                 (c) 4                                                                       (d) none of these

Q.12: kc is a ratio of ________
            (a) reactant/product                                       (b) product/reactant                                                   (c) both a & b                                                   (d) None of these

Q.13: If a solution has PH=0 then the solution is _______ in nature.
            (a) Acidic                                                          (b) basic                                                                     (c) neutral                                                        (d) None of these

Q.14: Activation energy is ___ proportional to the rate of reaction.
            (a) Directly                                                                  (b) inversely                                        (c) neutral                                                                (d) None of these

Q.15: An element which has ns²-electronic configuration is placed in group of Modern periodic table.
            (a) Alkali metals                                              (b) Halogen                                         (c) Alkaline earth metals                                     (d) none of these

Q.16: The atoms which have same No: of valence electrons will show similar ____
            (a) Physical properties                                    (b) chemical properties                      (c) both a & b                                                 (d) none of these

Q.17: CH3 − CH2 − OH &  CH3 − O − CH3 , these compounds are ______of each other.
            (a) Chain isomers                                            (b) Position isomers                            (c) Functional group isomers                                   (d) N.O.T

Q.18: Al+2  + e-                    Al+1  the reaction is ____________.
(a)oxidation                                                     (b) reduction                                       (c) auto oxidation-reduction                           (d) None of These

Q.19: Elimination Reaction is a reveres of _________ reaction
(a) Addition                                                    (b) substitution                                     (c) combustion                                                (d) None of These

Q.20: Galactose and Fructose are ___________ carbohydrates.
             (a) Mono-Saccharides                                    (b)Oligo-Saccharides                                       (c)poly-Saccharides                                         (d) N.O.T

Q.21: The food is classified into _______ classes.                                                                              (a)  Three                                                                (b) five                                                  (c)   six                                                            (d) N.O.T

Q.22: The closed chain forms of glucose are also represented in hexagonal forms called structure.
            (a) Pyranose                                                    (b) glucase                                         (c)   both a & b                                                     (d) N.O.T

Q.23: Fructose is a structural isomer of __________
(a) Galactose                                                  (b) Fructose                          (c)   glucose                                               (d) N.O.T

Q.24: On the basis of source the fertilizers have been classified into _____ classes.
(a) Two                                                           (b) Five                              (c)   Seven                                                               (d) N.O.T

Q.25: Any material which increases the cleaning effect of water is called as_____.
             (a) Acid                                                           (b) base                                    (c)   neutral                                                                (d) N.O.T