
Friday 19 August 2016

Quick look at Top 10 Engineering universities in Pakistan

Let's have a complete analysis.The ranking is based upon popularity,fees,faculty,environment and other different factors.I would not waste time on introducing universities rather I would come straight to the point.
So let's begin:

Best universities in Pakistan

I'm writing particularly for Engineering undergraduate admission but it's also true in general.

  1. NUST (National University of Sciences and Technology)
NUST is surely one of the best universities as it is also ranked in top 500 universities all over the world.

  • Good teaching staff (in all campuses).
  • Hostel facility.(Though getting single occupancy is impossible.)
  • Affordable fees (as compared to private universities).Precisely it is 82000 per semester excluding admission and security charges which would sum up first semester for 127,000.
  • Quality in infrastructure (especially in main campus at Islamabad).
  • Best in research.
  • Less or negligible disciplinary issues as only the hard working ones get in.
  • Medical and transport service is good.(But certainly no Mercedes or Lamborghini,it's the bus.) 
  • Popular in Pakistan (it's name alone is enough).
  • PEC approved. 
  • High security and a large sector.
  • Aeronautical Engineering is good at Risalpur campus.
They take 75% NUST entry test marks into account.This is particularly good but let me tell you the secret.
Majority of students passing NET (NUST entry tests) are repeater.
But not everyone of course. 

 2. PIEAS (Pakistan Institute of Engineering and Applied Sciences):

Though not ranked globally but PIEAS is considered to be the best Engineering university out there in Pakistan.
  • Affordable fees.
  • PEC approved.
  • Offers Mechanical and electrical engineering.They have also started Computer science.
  • They do not disclose their merit formula but certainly it depends majorly on their PIEAS entry test (PET).
  • Good in research.

   3. UET (University of Engineering and Technology) Lahore:

UETUET is still one of top university in ranking of Pakistani Universities but it is now not as popular as it was in Past.


  • It's certainly cheap.(The best advantage you can take.)
  • Specific to engineering.
  • High merit.
  • Good opportunities and events conducted for students to present what they learnt in respective Engineering program.
  • PEC approved.
  • Hostel facility.
  • Research is also okay.
  • Less difficulty in getting Jobs (Also depends on your skills)
But they count 70% F.S.C. marks during admission which can neither be criticised nor be appreciated.
30% marks of UET combined test ECAT are counted.
Calculate your UET aggregate on your Android now

4. GIKI (Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute)

This is the university,personally,I don't like but still it's popular among people and is also on HEC ranking so I had to add it in Top 5 Engineering universities list.


  •  Very High fees (So it's High end and only for the rich)
  •  Merit is high but still admission is relatively easy.
  •  Good in research. 
  •  Hostel
Check GIKI entry test sample  

5. UET Taxila

UET taxilaIt's an expansion of UET.There are not much differences in UET Lahore and Taxila except that the merit of UET is high and so is the standard of education.Also UET lahore is considered the central campus. 
The same facilities apply to UET taxila as are in UET Lahore.
Their aggregate is also calculated as 70% FSC and 30% ECAT marks.
UET taxila and UET Lahore are based on same ECAT combined entry test.
Read UET ECAT 2005 solved paper to learn more.

6. IST (Institute of Space Technology):

As the name suggests,it's more related to space type Engineering than the typical engineering fields.I consider IST to be better than GIKI overall.

  • Admission is relatively easy.
  • It's the university which accept NTS NAT for admission.
  • Hostel facility is available and also it's easy to get accommodation.
  • 'People say' that it's engineering is not PEC approved but I think it is.May be not is some fields.
  • Best in space related fields.
  • Good in aeronautical engineering.
These were the universities I considered to be good and their merit is high.
The last three universities,though popular,are easy for anyone to get into.Personally I don't like them much but FAST and COMSATS are best option for computer science and software engineering lovers after NUST.

 7. FAST (National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences) 

It's a private university quite popular in Pakistan.It's considered the best choice for Computer science.


    FAST university
  • Fees is normal to high (Almost 129,000) on first semester which includes admission and security fees.Per semester fees is just over 1 lac.
  • Hostel facility.
  • Good in computer fields.
  • Also offers Electrical engineering. 
  • A great choice for mediocre students.
COMSATSFAST accepts both NTS NAT and also it's own FAST-NU entry test.

 8. COMSATS (COMSATS Institute of Information Technology)

A semi government university related to IT.It's just like FAST but FAST is definitely more popular.
It's features are same as that FAST and it conducts NTS NAT.
Get NTS NAT sample paper to master it.You can also find guide for NTS NAT and also past papers of NAT test.

 9.Air university:

It can  be on number 7 with FAST university but I thought it better to include computer science related universities also up in the list.
Air university conducts its own test.

 10. Namal

NAMAL logo
To tell you the truth,the third choice of mediocre students for computer science is Namal after FAST and COMSATS respectively.Some guys from team NUSTweb are opting for Namal which is not a bad choice.

Other top universities for Admission

There are also some good universities which I did not mention as I limited myself to top 10.
  • IIUI (International Islamic University, Islamabad) : A good university with a large area and especially the environment is wonderful.
  • FUAST (Federal Urdu University of Arts, Sciences and Technology) :Also a good university for computer science.
  • Hitec taxila :A good university for engineering.
(Comment if you want to list a university,I might have missed in hurry).
Look forward for some awesome comments.


  1. Replies
    1. International Islamic University Islamabad (IIUI).

  2. IIUI is best in general category.

  3. Sir, How's the mechanical of IST ???? and should I do Aerospace or Mechanical ,, please help ?

    1. Aerospace from IST is best....
      Go to UET,NUST or PIEAS for mechanical...

    2. civil engineering from MCE risalpur, what do you say, MCE is a campus of nust

    3. NUST is overall is MCE...

  4. Sir please suggest the best university for CIVIL ENGINEERING

  5. What about UOG ,IUB and BZU for engineering ?

  6. What About UET Peshawar .....???

  7. They are not in top 10.They are good though but not the best.


Feel free to comment.Team NUST is here to listen you.