
Monday 8 August 2016

UET ECAT past paper 2005 solved

UET combined entry test 2005



1.      Scalar product of two parallel vectors is ……………
2.      Work done on a body is equal to change in its ………………. (position, distance, displacement, KE)
3.      Rocket propulsion utilizes the law of conservation of ………..
4.      Minimum initial velocity to escape earth’s gravitation is called ………….. 5. Acceleration and angular acceleration are related by the relation………
                                                                                                                                                                       2       1     1
6.      The terminal velocity of falling droplet is proportional to ……….(r , r , 2 ,   ).
                                                                                                                                                                            r      r
7.      In damped oscillations amplitude …………… with time.
8.      Speed of sound is maximum in ……….. (air, glass, water, iron).
9.      Bending of light when passing near obstacles is called…………
10.  The phenomenon that best explains the transverse nature of light is …………(reflection ,refraction , diffraction, polarization).
11.  The critical angle is such angle of incidence for which angle of refraction is …………
12.  The entropy of a system ………….. for a reversible process.
13.  Work done on a unit charge is equal to change in its…………
14.  The formula for heating effect of current is……..
15.  The unit for emf is …….
16.  Weber is the unit for ……….
17.  Formula of magnetic flux density is ……….
18.  In a capacitor circuit the voltage ……………. the applied current.
19.  The semiconductor substance containing holes are called ………….
20.  The ratio β or current gain of transistor is …………..
21.  To accurate locate a microscopic particle one must use light wave of ………….
22.  Velocity of an electron in an orbit is …………… to its principal quantum number.
23.  Electrons emit photons when they jump from………
24.  If a body is moving in a circular motion with constant speed then the it has got the constant ………….
25.  Magnetic flux is maximum when conductor is placed at an angle of …………… to magnetic field.
26.  Power dissipated in a pure inductor circuit is ……….
27.  Which one is not the unit of mass …………….. (gram, kg, dyne, slug).

1. Null vector 2. K.E.             3. Momentum  decreases
4. Escape velocity 
5. a = rα          6. r         7.
8. iron                     9. diffraction 10. Polarization
             11. 90°
             12. remains constant
13. Electric potential energy.        14. H = I 2 Rt 
15. Volt            
16. magnetic flux
17. Wb 2  18. lags by 90°        19. p-type semiconductors    20. IC 21. small wavelength m          IB
22. inversely proportional                          23. Higher orbit to lower orbit.                       24. constant magnitude only                  
25. 90°         26. zero         27. dynes                     



1.       In chromatography the rates of solute is determined by the ……………
2.       Graham’s gas law is concerned with ………….
3.       The standard temperature and pressure conditions are …………. 
4.       Spreading of a scent of rose is due to process of …………..
5.       The common crystal type of carbon is ……………..
6.       Lowest possible principal quantum number is …………..
7.       Which one of following is non-polar molecule …………. (CH 4 ,BF3 ,CHCl3 ,H 2O)
8.       H is always negative for ……………… reactions.
9.       Dust particles in air are example of a mixture of type ………………
10.   The difference of BP’s of substances of a mixture is utilized in the separation technique of ……………
11.   The solubility depends on …………..
12.   Which one of following belong to group IV-A ( Pb, Sb, Ba, Fe) 13. Formula of pure clay is …………….
14.  The highest ionization energy in 5th group is of ………….
15.  The catalyst used to convert SO2 to SO3 is ………………….
16.  When gypsum loses ¾ of water then the hemihydrate formed has formula …………. 17. Down cell is used to prepare…………
18.    Aqua regia consists of ………..
19.    H 4 P2 O7 is the formula of …………..
20.    Bleaching powder is made by passing chlorine over …………
21.    In transition elements color formation is due to …………..
22.    The formula of tetramminedichlorodinitroplatinum(IV)sulphate is ………..
23.    Production of vegetable ghee involves ………….
24.    ||          is the formula of ………….
NH 2
25.    Phosphorus is important in the development of …………
26.    Which of these is not a nucleophile …………… ( H 2O,BF3 ,SO2 )


1. Distribution law       2. Gaseous diffusion  3. 0° and 760 mm Hg.
            4. diffusion      5. Cubic
6. 1                  7. CH 4            8. Exothermic              9. solid in gas 
10. Fractional distillation
11. nature of solute, solvent and temperature.                        12. Pb  Nitrogen
13. K2O.Al2O3 .6SiO2       14.
15. V2O5            16. CaSO4 . 12 H2O              17. Sodium metal                    18. HNO3 & HCl
19. Pyrophosphoric acid         20. Calcium hydroxide                       21. d-d transition        22.
[PtCl(NO2 )(NH3 )4 ]SO4
23. Hydrogenation                  24. Glycine (amino acid)        25. Seed                      26. BF3

1.        Polar form of 1+3 ι is …………
2.        Multiplicative inverse of (a, -b) is ………..
3.        Which one of following is biconditional …………… ( pq, pq, pq, pq)
3 1
4.        The inverse of 2     1  is …………..
5.        The quadratic equation with roots α and β is …………….. 
6.         = ……………..
7.        Sum of infinite geometic series is ………..
8.        K = ………..
9.        General expression in the expansion of binomial formula is ……………
 = …………
11.    tan(2α) = …………….
12.    Law of cosines is ……………
13.    tan1(A)tan1(B) = ………………. sin ax
14.    Lim = ……….. x0 sinbx
15.    If y = cos1(x) then y' = …………..
16.    For x = c of f(x) the relative maxima is for ……………..
17.    xcos xdx = ………..
18.    Area under the curve y = x2+1 from x = -2 to x = -1 is ……………
19.    Equation of normal to x2 + y2 = 25 at (4,3) is ………….
20.    Latusrectum of ellipse has length …………
                                                 (x1)2          (y 1)2
21.    The centre of  −         =1 is …………
                                                      2              9
22.    The projection of vector A along B  is ……………
23.    Which of the following points represents a right triangle ……………
24.    (x −           )2.dx = ………..
25.    cos2 h2x = ………….

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