
Sunday 4 September 2016

Chapter 12 Aldehydes and Ketones MCQs

Aldehydes and Ketones solved MCQs practice

12Make your choice.

21.    Aldehyeles having -hydrogen atoms undergo                  reaction.
(a)     Wurtz                   (b)     Aldol           (c)     Cannizzaro          (d)
22.                                                     The example of Halo form is
(a) Chloroform    (b)  Bromo form (c)  Idoform          (d)  All of them
23. In Pakistan, ethanol is prepared by the fermentation of
(a)  Molasses     (b)  Starch grains (c)  Fruit juices   (d)  All of them
24. The residue obtained after the crystallization of sugar from conc. Sugarcane juice is called.
(a)  Enzyme                 (b)  Starch           (c)  Diastase                  (d)
25.                                                                Alcohols can be obtained by the
_______ of alkenes.
(a) Hydrogenation        (b)  Hydration      (c)  Halogenation (d)  None of them
26. Oxidation of alcohols convert them into
(a)      Aldehycle (b)     Ketones     (c)     Acids          (d) Both a & b
27.    The best reagent for the oxidation of alcohol is
(a)  ZnCl2                     (b)  Ether             (c)  Acidic dichromate (d)  Pyridine
28. __________ alcohols are resistant to oxidation.
(a)  Primary                  (b)  Secondary    (c)  Tertiary         (d)  Long chain
29. _________ gives iodoform with iodine in the presence of NaOH.
(a)  Methanol      (b)  Ethanol                  (c)  Propanol       (d) Butonol
30.    Phenol reacts with acetyl chloride in the presence of a base to form
(a)  Acid              (b)  Alkane          (c)  Aldehyde      (d)  Ester
31.    Aqueous solution of phenol reacts with bromine water to give precipitate of 2, 4, 6 tribromophenol.
(a)  White            (b)  Yellow 
(c)  Blue              (d)  Green
The IUPAC name of CH3OC6His 
(a)  Methoxy methane
(b)  Methoxy ethane
(c)  Ethoxy propane
(d)  Methoxy benzene
The halo form’s reaction using iodine
and aqueous _______ is called the idoform test
(a)   Sod – chloride                                             (b)  Sod – carbonate
Aldehyde functional group
(c)     Sod – hydroxide                                        (d)  Sod - bicarbonate
34.                                                     Idoform is a ________ solid.
(a)  White            (b)  Black             (c)  Yellow                    (d)  Blue
35.    The catalyst used for the catalytic reduction of aldehydes and ketones.
(a)  Pd                  (b)  Pt                             (c)  Ni                             (d)  All of them
36. Aldehydes combine with alcohols in the presence of _________ gas to form acetals.
(a)  Hydrogen     (b)  Carbon dioxide  (c)  Hydrogen chloride    (d)  Chlorine
37. Aldehycles and ketones are easily oxidized by mild oxidizing agents like.
(a)  Tollen’s reagent                       (b)  Fehling’s solution
(c)  Benedict’s solution                   (d)  All of them
38.    An alkaline solution containing a cupric tartarate complex ion is called.

(a) Fehling’s solution
(b) Benedict’s solution
(c)  Tollen’s reagent
(d)  DNPH
Aldehydes do not give ___________
(a)  Fehling’s solution
(b)  Benedict’s solution
(c)  Sod – nitroprusside
(d)  I do form
of antipoliovaccine.
(a)  Formaldehyde
 _________ is used in the processing
(b)  Acetaldehyde         
(c)  Ether             (d)  Propanone 

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