
Saturday 10 September 2016


Q.1 Science of the chemical characterization is stand under the heading of
(a) industrial chemistry (b) experimental chemistry
2(c) analytical chemistry (d) physical chemistry
Q.2 Several types of filter media are used for filtration depending on
(a) nature of reaction (b) nature of reactants
(c) nature of precipitate (d) nature of filter paper
Q.3 Filtration by a glass funnel and filter paper is very
(a) time consuming (b) difficult
(c) fast (d) accurate


Q.4 Date of filtration through conical funnel can be considerably increased by using
(a) fine filter paper (b) ordinary filter paper
(c) fluted filter (d) under suction crucible
Q.5 Gooch crucible is used to filter the solution of
(a) K2Cr2O7 (b) KMnO4
(c) KOH (d) under suction crucible
Q.6 Basic principles of crystallization is that solute should be soluble in a suitable solution at
(a) freezing temperature (b) room temperature
(c) high temperature (d) low temperature
Q.7 Premature crystallization of solution of filter paper or in funnel can be avoided
(a)  filtering hot saturated solution using hot funnel
(b) filling warm solution
(c)  quick filtration
(d) filtering cold solution
Q.8 Safe and reliable method of drying crystal in through
(a)  pressing it between folds of filter paper
(b) drying it in oven
(c)  evaporation of solution
(d) vacuum desiccator
Q.9 In solvent extraction solute can be separated from solution by shaking the solution with solvent which the solute is
(a) more soluble (b) partially soluble
(c) insoluble (d) soluble at high temperature
Q.10 Repeated extraction using small portions of solvent are more
(a) accurate (b) efficient
(c) slow (d) rapid
Q.11 To achieve a good separation the two liquids are gently shaken to increase their area of
(a) miscibility (b) separation
(c) contact (d) solubility
Q.12 Chromatography in which stationary phase is solid is called
(a)  partition chromatography
(b) paper chromatography
(c)  high pressure
(d) adsorption chromatography
Q.13 Chromatography involves these distribution of a solution between
(a)  two stationary phase
(b) two mobile phase
(c)  a stationary phase and a mobile phase
(d) two stationary and two mobile phase
Q.14 Chromatography in which the stationary phase is liquid is called
(a)  partition chromatography
(b) descending chromatography
(c)  column chromatography
(d) Adsorption chromatography
Q.15 In paper chromatography the rate at which solutes move depends on
(a) distribution law (b) distribution coefficients
(c) law of partial pressure (d) law of specific proportion
Q.16 Solvent extraction is an equilibrium process and it is controlled by
(a) law of mass action (b) the amount of solvent used
(c) distribution law (d) the amount of solute
Q.17 The comparative rates at which the solutes move in paper chromatography depend on
(a)  the size of paper used
(b) Rf values of solutes
(c)  temperature of the experiment
(d) size of the chromatographic tank used
Q.18 A filtration process could be very time consuming if it were not aided by the gentle suction, which is
(a)  if the paper covers the funnel up to its circumference
(b) if the paper has got small sized pores in it
(c)  if the stem of the funnel is large so that it dips into the filtrate
(d) if the paper fits tightly
Q.19 Solvent extraction method is particularly useful technique for separation, when product to be separated is
(a)  non–volatile or thermally unstable
(b) volatile or thermally stable
(c)  non volatile or thermally stable
(d) non–volatile or thermally unstable
Q.20 During the process of crystallization, the hot saturated solution
(a)  is cooled very slowly to get large sized crystals
(b) is cooled at a moderate rate to get medium sized crystals
(c)  is evaporated to get the pure crystals of the product
(d) is mixed with an immiscible liquid, to get the pure crystals of the product
Q.21 Aqueous solution of iodine is prepared first by dissolving which compound in water
(a) KBr (b) KI
(c) KCl (d) NaCl
Q.22 The meaning of chromatos
(a) colour writing (b) colour writing
(c) colour forming (d) colour spreading
Q.23 Which is not common way of carrying chromatography
(a) ascending (b) descending
(c) radial/circular (d) spreading irregularly
Q.24 In paper chromatography the stationary phase is
(a) water (b) organic liquid
(c) inorganic liquid (d) none of the above
Q.25 In paper chromatography the mobile phase is
(a) organic liquid (b) water

(c) inorganic liquid (d) none of the above 

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