Woke up and had to do the machining slides and I did...
At 8pm I knew,I had done just 1 slide of 2.Then I did the second.But for what?

Update: (02 April,2017)
And guess what , I got 23/40 marks in that paper. While I had a really bad final viva and practical but still Alhamdolillah I got a B grade (3.0 out 4) in relative grading system.
The experiment I was performing was going well and I had done what I was asked to do (or at least I was satisfied that I did turning on lathe well) but the army man beside me who was a guardian actually had done a mistake in listening to the task so he (in his understanding) took the lathe machine from me and did the turning operation.When the lab engineer came , he saw that and it was time of doom. He asked why did I do it wrong and I was answer-less. The army man said that I (the writer) couldn't understand the task so I should be given another chance. The lab engineer asked whether is it true.I said, "Yes" (With a know of gestures). He asked again and asked me to tell honestly and I said , "I did understand the task". So I got 5/10 I guess in practical which were among the lowest. Anyway I'm happy at that beta grade anyways !
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