
Tuesday 6 December 2016



2)                   Let A = {a, b, c, d} B = {b, c, d} then A Ç B = 

A)      {b, c, d}
B)      {a, b, c}
C)      {a, b, c, d}
D)      {a, c, d}
Answer:                  A

4)                   Let A = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5 …..},  B = {2, 4, 6, 8 ….}
                 The AÈB is 

A)      {1, 2, 3}
B)      {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, …..}
C)      {2, 4, 6, 8, …..}
D)      {6, 7, 8, 9}
Answer:                  B

5)                   È M = LÇM then L is equal to 

A)      M
B)      L
C)      f
D)      M¢
Answer:                  A

6)                   Which of the following sets has only one subset.
A)      {Y, Z}
B)      {Y}
C)      {0}
D)      {     }
Answer:                  D
7)                   Í B then 
Ç B = A
Ç B¢ = A
A – B = A 
A – B = B

9)                   Total number of subsets that can be formed from the set
{x, y, z} is 

A)      1
B)      2
C)      5 D) 8
Answer:                  D

11)               Let A and B be any none empty sets then 
                 AÈ(AÇB) is 

A)      Ç A
C)      B
D)      È B
Answer:                  B

12)               Let A, B, C be any sets. Let A È B = A È C and            A Ç B = A Ç C, then B set is equal to 

A)      È B
B)      Ç B
C)      A
D)      C
Answer:                  D

13)               If S contains n elements then power set of S, P (s) contains elements. Which are?

A)      2n
B)      4n
C)      5n D) 6n
Answer:                  A

14)               A set is a collection of objects which are

A)      well defined
B)      well defined and distinct
C)      identical
D)      not defined
Answer:                  B

15)               The power set of a set S containing six numbers is the set whose elements are 

A)      three subsets of S
B)      two subsets of S
C)      five subsets of S
D)      all possible subsets of S
Answer:                  D

16)               A is a subset of B if 

A)      Every element of A Î B
B)      Some element of A Î B
C)      Every element of A Ï B
D)      Every element of B Î A
Answer:                  A

17)               The complement of set A relative to universal set U is the
A)      {x/xÎU and x ÎA}
B)      {x/xÏU and xÏA}
C)      {x/xÏU and x ÎA}
D)      {x/xÎU and x Ï A}
Answer:                  D

18)               If A \ B = A then 
A)      AÇB = A
B)      AÇB = A¢
C)      AÇB = B
D)      AÇB = f
Answer:                  D

19)               If B – A = B then
A)      AÇB = f
B)      AÇB = A
C)      Aǹ f
D)      AÇB = B
Answer:                  A

20)               The union of the sets A and B is defined as 

A)      È B = {x/xÎA or xÎB} B) È B = {x/xÏA or xÎB} C) È B = {x/xÏA or xÏB}
D) È B = {x/xÎA or xÏB}
Answer:                  A

21)               If Q, R are any sets then Q – R = 

A)      Q – (QÇR)
B)      Ç (Q – R)
C)      Q + (Q Ç R)
D)      Q – (Q È R)
Answer:                  A

22)               If A and B are any two sets and A¢ B¢ are Their
compliments relative to the universal set U, the (AÈB)¢ = 
A)      A¢ÈB¢
B)      AÈB
C)      A¢ÇB¢
D)      AÇB
Answer:                  C

23)               Difference between two sets A\B is defined as 

A)      {x/x Î A L x Î B} B) {x/x Î A L x Ï B} C) {x/x Ï A L x Î B}
D) {x/x Ï A L x Ï B}
Answer:                  B
24)               For union Associative Law is 

A)      (AÈB) ÈC = AÈ(BÈC) B) (AÈB) ÈC = AÇ(BÇC)
C)      (AÇB) ÈC = AÈ(BÈC)
D)      (AÈB) ÈC = A - (B - C)
Answer:                  A

25)               The set of odd numbers between 1 and 9 is

A)      {1, 3, 5, 7}
B)      {3, 5, 7, 9}
C)      {1, 3, 5, 7, 9}
D)      {3, 5, 7}
Answer:                  D

26)               The set of rational numbers between 5 and 9 is 
A)      Finite
B)      Infinite
C)      {5, 6, 7, 8, 9}
D)      {6, 7, 8}
Answer:                  B

27)               If x is a set having 6 elements then the numbers in P(x) is:
A)      62
B)      6
C)      6(2)
D)      26
Answer:                  D

28)               If B Í A then A¢ is subset of  A) A
B)      B
C)      B¢
D)      È B
Answer:                  C

29)               The set A Ç (A È B) =  A) A
B)      B
C)      È B
D)      None of these
Answer:                  A
30)               The set A È (A Ç B) = 

A)      B
B)      A
C)      È B
D)      None of these
Answer:                  B

31)               If A and B are any two sets and A¢, B¢ are their complements relative to the universal set U, then 
A)      Ç B)¢ = 

A)      A¢ È B¢
B)      A¢ Ç B¢
C)      A¢ È B
D)      Ç B¢
Answer:                  A

32)               If A Í U then A¢ relative to U is equal to 

A)      A – B
B)      B – A 
C)      U – A  D) A – U 
Answer:                  C

37)               Well defined collection of distinct objects is called a
A)      a function
B)      a set
C)      a real number
D)      none
Answer:                  B
38)               A diagram which represents a set is called _______ diagram.

A)      Venn’s
B)      Argand
C)      Plane
D)      None
Answer:                  A

39)               If a set A is the subset of B & A ≠ B, then A _______ of B.

A)      Proper subset
B)      Improper subset
C)      None                          D) None
Answer:                  A

40)               Every set is the ________ of itself. 

A)      proper subset
B)      improper subset
C)      super set 
D)      none
Answer:                  B

41)               The set of real Nos. (points) belonging to interval
 (a, b) is __________

A)      finite set
B)      empty set
C)      singleton set
D)      infinite set
Answer:                  D

42)               The power set of an empty set is _________

A)      null set
B)      singleton set
C)      super set
D)      none
Answer:                  B
43)               / = ________

A)      A
B)      /
C)      – - 
D)      X
Answer:                  C

44)               Two set A & B are called overlapping if A∩B = 

A)      AÍBBÍA
B)      AÍB
C)      AÍBBÍA
D)      None
Answer:                  D

45)               Which one is always true. 
A)      AÍB
B)      AÇBÍB
C)      BÍA
D)      none
Answer:                  B

46)               Every recurring non terminating decimal represents

A)      Q
B)      Q/ 
C)      R
D)      none
Answer:                  A

47)               If X & Y are two sets & n (X) = 18, n (Y) = 24,  n(XUY)
= 40  then n(X I Y) = ________

A)      3
B)      4
C)      6
D)      2
E)      1
Answer:                  C

48)               A real number is always

A)      a natural no
B)      positive integer
C)      Rational number
D)      complex number

Answer:                  D


1)                   The set N of natural numbers is closed with respect to

A)        Addition
B)        Multiplication
C)        Both A & B
D)        Subtraction
Answer:                  C

2)                   The set Z of integers is closed with respect to 

A)        Addition
B)        Multiplication
C)        Subtraction
D)        A, B and C are correct
Answer:                  D

3)                   The set R – {0} of real numbers is closed with respect to 

A)        Addition
B)        Multiplication
C)        Division
D)        A,B & C are correct
Answer:                  D

4)                   In the set S = {0, 1} the binary operation defined is 

A)        –  B) 
C)      ´
D)      ¸
Answer:                  C

5)                   The set S = {- 1, 1, - i, i} is a group with respect to the binary operation

A)        ¸
B)        ´
C)        +
Answer:                  B
6)                   The set S = {1, ww2} is a group with respect to the binary operation

A)        ´
B)        ¸
C)        +
Answer:                  A

7)                   If set is a group with respect to addition then the number of identity elements in S is 

A)        Unique
B)        Two
C)        Three
D)        None
Answer:                  A

8)                   If set S is a group with respect to addition then each element of S has _____ inverse. 

A)        Unique
B)        Two
C)        Three
D)        None
Answer:                  A

9)                   R – {0} is a group w.r.t the binary operation

A)        +
B)        ´
C)        ¸
Answer:                  B

10)               Q – {0} is a group w.r.t the binary operation

A)        +
B)        ´
C)        ¸
Answer:                  B

11)               R is a group w.r.t the binary operation.
A)        +
B)        ´
C)        ¸
Answer:                  A

12)               Q is a group w.r.t the binary operation.
A)        +
B)        ´
C)        ¸
Answer:                  A

13)               S = {1, - 1} is a group w.r.t the binary operation.
B)        ´
C)        -
D)        none of these
Answer:                  B
14)               S = {0} is a trivial group under 

A)        +
B)        ´
C)        ¸
Answer:                  A

15)               S = {1} is trivial group under 

A)        +
B)        ´
D)        division
Answer:                  B

16)               A non empty set S which is closed with a binary operation
‘*’ is called group if

A)        The binary operation is associative
B)        There exists identity element with respect to the binary operation. 
C)        There exist a unique inverse of each element of S with respect to the binary operation.  D) All A, B & C hold. 
Answer:                  D

17)               In a proposition  if   p→ q then q  → p is called 
A)        inverse of  p→ q
B)        converse of  p→ q
C)        contrapasitive  p→ q
D)        none
Ans: B

18)               Truth table containing all false values is called
A)        Tautology
B)        Selfcontridiction 
C)        Equivallent
D)        None  Ans: B

19)               Truth table containing all true values is called
A)        Tautology
B)        Selfcontridiction 
C)        Equivallent
D)        None 
Ans: A

20)               In a proposition if p→ q then contrapasitive of this proposition is denoted by
A)            q  → p
B)            ~ q  → p
C)            ~ q  →  ~ p 
D)            None

Ans: C

21)               In a proposition if p→ q then inverse of this proposition is denoted by  

A)            q  → p
B)            ~ q  → p
C)            ~ p  →  ~ q 
D)            None
Ans : C

22)               In a proposition if p→ q then converse of this proposition is denoted by
A)            q  → p
B)            ~ q  → p
C)            ~ q  →  ~ p 
D)            None

Ans: A

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