
Friday 14 July 2017

MCAT Paper Preparation Chemistry

MCAT entry test 2017 preparation
Q. 1          Which one of the following as a redox reaction?
A) NaCl + AgNO3 ® NaNO3 + AgCl2          C) 2Na+Cl2®2NaCl
B) 2Cl-®Cl2+2e-                                            D) Na+ + 1e- ® Na
Q. 2          The chemical substance, when dissolved in water, gives “H+” is called:
A) Neutral                                                       C) Base
B) Acid                                                           D) Amphoteric
Q. 3          The ‘pH’ of our blood is:
A) 6.7 - 8                                                         C) 7.5
B) 7.9                                                              D) 7.35 – 7.4
Q. 4          In zero order reaction, the rate is independent of:
A) concentration of the product                     C) concentration of the reactant
B) Temperature of the reaction                       D) Surface area of the product
Q. 5          What is the trend of melting and boiling points of the elements of short periods as we move from left to right in a periodic table?
A) Melting and boiling points decrease gradually
B) Melting and boiling points first decrease then increase
C) Melting and boiling points increase gradually
D) Melting and boiling points first increase then decrease
Q. 6          Along a period, atomic radius decreases. This gradual decrease in radius is due to:
A) Increase in number of shells                      C) Increase in number of protons in the nucleus
B) Melting and boiling points first decrease then increase    
D) Melting and boiling points first increase then decrease
Q. 7          Alkaline earth metal oxides react with water to give hydroxides. The solubility of alkaline earth metal oxides in water increases as we move from top to bottom in a group, which of the following alkaline earth metal oxides is least soluble in water?
A) BaO                                                           C) MgO
B) SrO                                                             D) CaO
Q. 8          The electronic structure of carbon monoxide is represented as

Q. 9          Which one pair has the same oxidation state of ‘Fe’?
A) FeSO4 and FeCl3                                       C) FeCl2 and FeCl3
B) FeSO4 and FeCl2                                        D) Fe2 (SO4)3 and FeSO4.
Q. 10      Oxidation state of ‘Fe’ in K3[Fe(CN)6 ] is:
A) +2                                                               C) -6
B) -3                                                                D) +3
Q. 11      The nature of an aqueous solution of ammonia (NH2) is
A) Amphoteric                                                C) Neutral
B) Basic                                                          D) Acidic
Q. 12      Unpolluted rain water has a pH of:
A) 4.9                                                              C) 5.6
B) 5.3                                                              D) 7.0
Q. 13      In comparison with oxygen gas, a strong triple bond is present between two nitrogen atoms in a molecule and therefore nitrogen gas is:
A) Highly reactive gas                                    C) Completely inert like noble gases
B) Very less reactive gas                                 D) Moderately reactive gas
Q. 14      The catalyst used in the Haber’s process is
A) Iron crystals with metal oxide promoters  C) Aluminium oxide
B) Magnesium oxide                                       D) Silicon dioxide
Q. 15      Select a nucleophile from the following examples
A) N+H4.                                                         C) NH3
B) NO2                                                            D) NO+2
Q. 16      The introduction of an alkyl group in benzene takes place in the presence of AlCl3 and:

Q. 17      What is the product formed when propene reacts with HBr?

Q. 18      The order fo reactivity of alkyl halides towards nucleophile is
A) RI>RBr>RF>RCl                                      C) RI>RBr>RCl>RF
B) RF>RBr>RCl>RI                                      D) RF>RCl>RBr>RI
Q. 19      Consider the following reaction
C2H5OH + PCl5 ®?
What product (s) may be formed?

A) C2H5Cl, POCl3 and HCl                            C) C2H5Cl and HCl
B) C2H5Cl only                                               D) C2H5Cl and POCl3
Q. 20      Aqueous phenol decolorizes bromine water to form a white precipitate. What is the structure of the white precipitate formed?

Q. 21      The relative acid strength of carboxylic acid, water, ethanol and phenol has the following order of increasing acid strength:

Q. 22      Methyl cyanides, on boiling with mineral acids or alkalles, yield:
A) Butanoic acid                                             C) Formic acid
B) Acetic acid                                                 D) Propanoic acid
Q. 23      The formation or ester from acetic acid in presence of acid and ethanol is a:
A) Nucleophilic addition reaction                  C) Nucleophilic substation reaction
B) Electrophonic substitution reaction           D) electrophonic addition reactio.
Q. 24      What is the name of amino acid,  where ‘R’ is CH3 group?
A) Glycline                                                     C) Aspartic acid
B) Lyslne                                                        D) Alanine
Q. 25      a-amino acids are compounds having carboxylic acid as well as amino functional groups attached to:
A) Any H-atom in the molecule                     C) Alternate carbon atoms
B) Same carbon atom                                      D) Neighboring carbon atoms

Q. 26      The formula of ‘zwitterion’ is represented by
Q. 27      Two or more amino acids condensed to form protein by a peptide linkage which is present between two atoms:
A) C and C                                                     C) O and C
B) C and N                                                     D) C and H
Q. 28      The amino acids which largely exist in dipolar ionic form are
A) Acidic amino acids                                    C) Beta amino acids
B) Basic amino acids                                      D) Alpha amino acids
Q. 29      If 18.0 grams of glucose is dissolved in 1 Kg of water, boiling point of this solution should be
A) 100.52oC                                                    C) 100.00oC
B) 100.052oC                                                  D) Less than 100oC
Q. 30      Molal freezing point constant of water is:
A) 0.52                                                            C) 2.86
B) 1.86                                                            D) 11.86
Q. 31      Polyvinyl acetate (PVA) is colourless and non-toxic resin used as an adhesive and as a binder for making
A) Emulsion paints                                         C) Gramophone recorders
B) Toys                                                           D) Compact discs
Q. 32      Both ribose and deoxyribose are monosaccharides containing _____ carbon atoms.
A) Four                                                           C) Five
B) Six                                                              D) Seven
Q. 33      The increased quantities of cholesterol in blood make plaque like deposits in the arteries causing
A) Cholera                                                      C) Down’s syndrome
B) Heart attack                                               D) Phenylketonuria
Q. 34      Polyvinyl chloride is an example of
A) Condensation polymer                               C) Addition polymer
B) Biopolymer                                                D) Thermosetting polymer
Q. 35      Collagen is a fibrous protein present most abundantly in
A) Arteries                                                      C) Nall
B) Hair                                                            D) Tendons
Q. 36      Animals store glucose in the form of glycogen in
A) Liver and muscles                                      C) Mouth
B) Stomach                                                     D) Small intestine
Q. 37      The yellowishbrown color in photochemical smog is due to the presence of
A) SO2 (sulphur dioxide)                                C) CO2 (carbon dioxide)
B) CO (carbon monoxide)                              D) NO2 (nitrogen dioxide)
Q. 38      Anaerobic decomposition of organic matter i.e. glucose by bacteria in watr sediments produce
A) Propane                                                      C) Ethane
B) Methane                                                     D) Butane
Q. 39      A sample of Neon is found to exist as 20Ne, 21Ne. Mass spectrum of ‘Ne’ is as follows:

what is the relative atomic mass (Ar value) or Neon?
A) 20.18                                                          C) 20.10
B) 20.28                                                          D) 20.22
Q. 40      Hydrogen burns in chlorine to produce hydrogen chloride. The ratio of masses of reactants in chemical reaction H2 + Cl2 ® 2HCl is:
A) 2:35.5                                                         C) 1:35.5
B) 1:71                                                            D) 2:70
Q. 41      The coordination number of Na+ in NaCl crystal is:
A) 6.                                                                C) 4.
B) 2.                                                                D) 8.
Q. 42      There are four gases H2, He, N2 and CO2 at 0oC. Which gas shown greater non-ideal behavior?
A) He                                                              C) H2
B) CO2                                                            D) N2
Q. 43      Correct order of energy in the given sub-shells is:
A) 5s>3d>3p>4s                                             C) 3p>3d>5s>4s
B) 5s>3d>4s>3p                                             D) 3p>3d>4s>5s
Q. 44      Number of electrons in the outermost shell of chloride ion(Cl-) is:
A) 17                                                               C) 1
B) 7                                                                 D) 8

Q. 45      According to Valence shell electron pair repulsion theory, the repulsive forces between the electron pairs of central atom of a molecule are in the order:
A) Lone pair bond pair> Lone pair-Lone
B) Bond pair> Bond pair> Lion pair-Lone pair> Lone pair-Bond pair
C) Lone pair-Bond pair> Bond pair-Bond pair> Lone pair>Lone pair.
D) Lone pair-Lone pair>Lone pair-Bond pair>Bond pair-Bond pair
Q. 46      In crystal lattice of ice, each O-atom of water molecule is attached to
A) Four H-atoms                                             C) Two H-atoms
B) One H-atom                                               D)  Three H-atoms
Q. 47      Heart of formation (DHot) for CO2 is:
A) -390 KJ/mole                                             C) +394 KJ/mole
B) -394 KJ/mole                                              D) -294 KJ/mole
Q. 48      Reactants have high energy than products in:
A) Endothermic reactions                               C) Exothermic reactions
B) Photochemical reactions                            D) Non-spontaneous reactions

Q.45        A polymer of simplest formula CH2 has molar mass of 28000 gmol-1. Its molecular formula will be
A) 100 times that of its empirical formula      C) 500 times of its empirical formula
            B) 200 times that of its empirical formula      D) 2000 times that of its empirical formula
Q.46        The number of molecules in 9g of ice (H2O) is
A) 6.02 ´ 1023                                                 C) 6.02 ´ 1022
B) 3.01 ´ 1022                                                 D) 3.01 ´ 1023
Q.47        Ice is less dense than water at
A) 0oC                                                             C) 4oC
B) -4oC                                                            D) 2oC
Q.48        At a given temperature and pressure, the one which shows marked deviation from ideal behaviour is
A) N2                                                               C) CO2
B) H2                                                               D) He
Q.49        According to the number of protons, neutrons and electrons given in the table,            which one of the following option is correct?

Q.50        If the charge value of electron 1.7588 ´10 11 coulombs Kg – 1 , then what would be the mass of electron in grams (charge on electron is a 1.60222 ´ 10 – 19 coulombs)?
A) 9.1095 ´ 10–31g                                          C) 9.1095 ´ 10–28g
B) 91.095 ´ 10–31g                                          D) 0.919095 ´ 10–33g
Q.51        The suitable representation of dot structure of chlorine molecule is
Q.52        When the two partially filled atomic orbital overlap in such a way that the probability of finding the electron is maximum around the line joining the two nuclei, the result is the formation of
A) Sigma bond                                               C) Hydrogen bond
B) Pi-bond                                                      D) Metallic bond
Q.53        what will be the enthalpy change in the above reaction
A) 205.5 kJ mol – 1                                          C) – 205.5 kJ mol – 1
B) Zero kJ mol – 1                                            D) 1 kJ mol – 1

Q.54        Combustion of graphite to form CO2, can be done by two ways. Reactions are given as follow

A) – 676 kJ mol – 1                                          C) + 110 kJ mol – 1
B) – 110 kJ mol – 1                                          D) 676 kJ mol – 1
Q.55        One mole of glucose was dissolved in 1 kg of water, ethenanol, ether and benzene speraterly and molal boiling point constant of each individual solution was found to be 0.52, 1.75, 2.16 and 2.70 in the unit of / °C kg mole–1 respectively which of the following figure shows benzene as solvent in solution?

Q.56        The vapour pressure lines for pure as well as solutions of different concentrations are shown below. Which line represents pure water?

A) (i)                                                               C) (iii)
B) (ii)                                                               D) (iv)
Q.57        In the oxidation number of sulphur is
A) –8                                                               C) –6
B) +8                                                               D) +6
Q.58        Coinage metals Cu, Ag and Au are the least reactive because they have
A) Negative reduction potential                     C) Negative oxidation potential
B) Positive reduction potential                     D) Positive oxidation potential
Q.59        The value of equilibrium constant (Kc) for the reaction is 10–13 at 2000oC calculate the value of Kp for this reaction
A) 2 ´ 10 – 13                                                                    C) 186 ´ 10 – 13
B) 10 – 13                                                          D) 3.48 ´ 10 – 9
Q.60        What will be the pH of a solution of NaOH with a concentration of 10–3 M?
A) 3                                                                 C) 11
B) 14                                                               D) 7
Q.61        If the reactants or product of a chemical reaction can absorb ultravlolet, visible or infra-red radiation then the reate of a chemical reaction can best be measured by which one of the following methods?
A) Chemical method                                       C) Graphical method
B) Spectrometry                                            D) Differential method
Q.63        The trends in melting points of the elements of 3rd period are depicted in figure below

The sharp decreases observed from ‘Si’ to ‘P’ is due to
A) Decrease in atomic radius from ‘Si’ to ‘P’
B) Change in bonding and structure of two elements
C) Different densities of two elements         
D) Increase in electron density from ‘Si’ to ‘P’
Q.64        Arrange the following elements according to the trends of ionization energies C, N, Ne, B
A) Ne < N < C < B                                         C) B < C < N < Ne
B) B < N < C < Ne                                         D) Ne < B < C < N
Q.65        Radon is ____ emitter and being radioactive is used in _______ treatment in radiotherapy
A) b, cancer                                                    C) a, kidney stone
B) a, cancer                                                   D) b, kidney stone
Q.66        Which one of the following noble gas is used for providing an inert atmosphere for welding?
A) Helium                                                       C) Argon
B) Neon                                                          D) Krypton
Q.67        Electronic configuration of manganese (Mn) is
Q.68        The percentage of carbon in different types of iron products is in the order of
A) Cast iron > wrought iron > steel                C) Cast iron > steel > wrought iron
B) Wrought iron > steel > cast iron                D) Cast iron > steel = wrought iron
Q.69        Which one of the following is correct equation of 1st ionization of sulphuric acid.

Q.70        Which one of the following is the correct chemical reaction for ammonia formation by Haber process?

Q.71        The pH of acid rain is
A) 7                                                                 C) Below 5
B) Between 5 and 7                                        D) Between 7 and 14
Q.72        Which one of the following product is obtained when sulphur trioxide is absorbed in concentrated sulphuric acid
A) Oleum                                                        C) Hydrogen sulphide
B) Aqua regia                                                  D) Sulphate ion
Q.73        Which one of the following is a ketone?
A) CH3—O—CH2—CH3                               C) CH3COCOOH
            B) CH3—CO—CH2—CH3                           D) CH3—CH2CHO
Q.74        Addition of unsymmetrical reagent to an unsymmetrical alkene is governed by
A) Cannizzaro’s Reaction                               C) Aldol condensation
            B) Krichoff Rule                                             D) Markownikov’s Rule
Q.75        Ethylene glycols are used as
A) Anaesthetic                                                C) Freezing agent
B) Knocking agent                                          D) Anti-freezing agent
Q.76        The IUPAC name of halothane is 
A) 1- Bromo-1-chloro-2,2,2- trifluoroethane
B) 1,1,1-Trifluoro-2 bromo-2-chloroethane
C) 2-Bromo-2-chloro-1,1,1-trifluoroethane             
D) 2-Chloro-2- bromo -1,1,1- trifluoroethane
Q.77        If halogenalkanes are mixed with an excess of ethanoic ammonia and heated under pressure amine are formed. Which amine is formed in the following reaction?

A) CH3—CH2—NH—CH2—CH3                 C) CH3—CH2—CH2—NH2­
B) CH3—CH2—NH2                                     D) H2N—CH2—CH­2—NH2
Q.78        The formula of 2, 4, 6-Tribromophenol is

Q.79        Primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols can be identified and distinguished by
A) Lucas test                                                  C) Bayer’s test
B) Iodoform test                                             D) Silver mirror test
Q.80        Which one of the following alcohol is indicated by formation of yellow crystals in iodoform tests?
A) Methanol                                                    C) Butanol
B) Ethanol                                                      D) Proponal
Q.81        Which one of the following groups is indicated when HCl is formed by reaction of ethanol with phosphorus pentachloride?
A) Amino group                                              C) Halide group
B) Hydroxyl group                                        D) Hydride group
Q.82        A student mixed ethyl alcohol with small amount of sodium dichromate and added it to the hot solution of dilute sulphuric acid. A vigorous reaction took place. He distilled the product formed immediately. What was the product?
A) Acetone                                                     C) Dimethyl ether
B) Acetic acid                                                 D) Acetaldehyde
Q.83        Ethyle butyrate and butyl butanoate are estered with the flavor of 
A) Pear                                                            C) Pineapple
B) Banana                                                       D) Apple
Q.84        Acetamide is formed by dehydration of
A) Oxalic acid                                                 C) Butanoic acid
B) Ethanoic acid                                            D) Propanoic acid
Q.85        Organic compound ‘X’ and ‘Y’ both can react with Na-metal to evolve hydrogen gas. ‘X’ and ‘Y’ if react with each other form an organic compound ‘Z’ which gives fruity smell. What tyes of compounds ‘X’ , ‘Y’ and ‘Z’ are? 

Acetic Acid
Mineral Acid
Acetic Acid
Mineral Acid
Q.86        The amino acids which are not prepared by human body are called
A) Essential amino acids                               C) Alpha amino acids
B) Non-essential amino acids                         D) Beta amino acids
Q.87        Which one of the following is glumatic acid          
Q.88        Indicate the cyclic amino acid from the following
A) Cysteine                                                     C) Methionine
B) Serine                                                         D) Proline
Q.89        At low pH or in acidic condition amino acid exist as 
A) Anion                                                         C) Zwitter ion
B) Cation                                                        D) Neutral Specie
Q.90        The structure shown below represents

A) Proline                                                        C) Glycine
B) Histidine                                                    D) Lysine
Q.91        Which one of the following reagent is used for identification of amino acid?
A) Fehling’s solution                                      C) Ninhydrin
B) Bendict’s solution                                      D) Copper sulphate
Q.92        Which one of the following is an example of condensation polymer?
A) Polyvinylchloride                                       C) Polyethene
B) Polystyrene                                                D) Polyamide
Q.93        Among the most common disaccharides, which one of the followings presents in milk?
A) Sucrose                                                      C) Fructose
B) Maltose                                                      D) Lactose
Q.94        Fats are a type of lipid called glycerides, they are esters of long chain carboxylic acids and    
A) Propene -1,2,3-triol                                    C) Propene -1,2,3-diol
B) Propane -1,2,3-triol                                  D) Propane -1,2,3-diol
Q.95        Which one of the following base is not present in RNA?
A) Cytosine                                                     C) Thymine
B) Adenine                                                     D) Guanine
Q.96        Collagen proteins are present in __________ throughout the body.  
A) Muscle                                                       C) Tendons
B) Red blood cell                                            D) Blood plasma
Q.97        Polystyrene is an addition polymer. Which one of the following structure represent the monomer of polystyrene? 

Q.98        _______ is an eye irritant.
A) Peroxyacetyl nitrate                                 C) Paramethoxy aniline
B) Peroxyacetyl nitrite                                    D) Peroxyacetyl aniline
Q.99        Which one of the following pollutants can cause death of a person by binding with haemoglobin in red blood cells?
A) Chlorofluorocarbons                                  C) Carbon monoxide
B) Oxides of sulphur                                     D) Oxides of nitrogen

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