
Monday 11 September 2017

Muhammad Ali Mirza ko jawab

This man is quite tough for people to answer. A person watching his videos over YouTube will may get offended and you can see the number of people abusing in comments.But is it a criteria to judge whether he is wrong or right? Certainly not.He has pointed out mistakes of men from almost each and every sect made in Islam.

Answer to Muhammad Ali Mirza

Why is it very tough and hard to answer him? Because he got his base in Quran and Sunnah.This is what is common in almost every Muslim. He got references in his support and it is almost impossible to refute him while staying in within boundaries of Quran and Sunnah. This is one of great reason that those who try to answer his challenges tend not to focus on proofs and evidences from Quran and Sunnah rather they try to emotionalize and criticize him by mentioning love for great scholars.But does it mean that those scholars being human can not make mistake?
The blame of blasphemy of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is an old tool of many in sub continent to make people hate a certain man even though there is no proof to establish the blame as fact.Many a people came against Muhammad Ali Mirza to put on such allegations rather than answering his challenges on blasphemy done by scholars of Indo-Pak subcontinent.
It can also be seen that he seems to be trying to unite Muslims upon some basic principles for which the sectarian Maulvis have been quite worried.His stances on Jang e Jamal, Jang e Safeen and Waqiya e Karbala quite really match with common opinion yet some are harsher to swallow for many.But since he got support from authentic narrations so no one tends to answer him with evidences but only with abuse and accuse policy.

Muhammad Ali Mirza biography:

Wikipedia tends not make a bio page for him despite the fact that he has views in millions.It might be the case because he is not a TV personality or is not mentioned in web-based newspapers.
He is in his late thirties and a mechanical engineer by profession.

Scholarship degree

He did not study Islam in any particular Madrassah but Dr. Israr Ahmad, Dr. Javed Ahmad Ghamdi, Zubair Ali zai, Maulana Ishaq madani are the men with whom he spent some time for learning and he considers all of them to be his teachers. But since he is a not a blind follower (Muqallid) so he judges everyone's sayings according to Quran and Sunnah.

Muhammad Ali Mirza views on Shia

He is certainly quite harsh on subjects on which Quran and sunnah is harsh namely Shirk and Biddah.Because he believes that none of the sect is such that in its foundation, it does support it because Quran and Sunnah prevail over everything else in each and every of the sect. So he is of the view that unity between Sunni and Shia Muslims is not only possible but would be easy if they become united on Quran and love for Ahlul Bayt without crossing boundary of Tawheed.

Shias are not Rafidhis.

Research papers

His hard work could be seen in his research papers that he published on his site AhleSunnatPak which are mostly worked upon by himself.His research papers can be seen on his website.
By keeping the factors in mind we would have to agree that his attitude towards many personalities is not due to his prejudice but rather to cast an effect in the hearts of listeners because most of the so called scholars emotionalize their people to get hatred for Muhammad Ali Mirza by calling him "The devil" (Khabees), "Liar" (Kazzab), and "Blasphemous" (Gustakh).
But we have to keep in mind that we always have an option to ignore whatever of his sayings goes against Quran and Sunnah and to advice him on that while it is our first and foremost duty to support him in whatever he is right upon.

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