
Monday 15 August 2016

Chapter 5 The Halogen and The Noble gases MCQs

Chemistry MCQs second year of Chapter 5

The MCQs are solved.Red colour indicates the correct answer.
chapter 5
1.           Trioxygen difluoride reacts with fluorine to form
a.           Dioxygen trifluoride            b.     Dioxygen difluoride
        c.      Oxygen difluoride                      d.     Oxygen & fluorine
2.           I2Oand I2O9 are salt like and
a.           Are considered as iodine salt             b.     Are used in table salt
        c.      Are called as iodine – iodates             d.     None of them
3.           Reaction of HClO4 with P2Oproduces
a.           Chlorine heptaoxide          b.     Chlorine dioxide
        c.      Dichlorine monoxide                  d.      Chlorine hexaoxide
4.           Reaction of bromine vapours with mercuric oxide yields
a.           Bromine dioxide        b.     Bromine trioxide
        c.      Bromine monoxide                    d.     All of them
5.           Iodine pentaoxide acts as
a.           An oxidizing agent                     b.     Reducing agent
        c.      Bleaching agent               d.     Dehydrating agent
6.           HClO2 is called
a.           Hypochlorous acid                     b.     Chlorous acid
        c.      Perchloric acid                  d.     None of them
7.           Which compound is used for the quantitative analysis of CO?
a.           O3F2         b.     ClO2          c.     Br2O         d.     I2O5
8.           Bleaching powder can be manufactured by
a.           Hasenclever’s method       b.     Beckmann’s method
        c.     Both a & b                        d.     None of them
9.           Bleaching powder oxidizes NH3 & yields
a.           Chlorine gas                              b.     Nitrogen gas
        c.      NH4Cl                                       d.     None of them
10.       Freon is the commercial name of
a.           fluorochlorcarbons                     b.     Tetrafluoroethylene 
        c.      Fluoroethylene                  d.     None of them
11.       Halothane is used as
a.           Disinfectant               b.     Anaesthetic       c.     Fungicicle d.
12.       Which one of the following halides has the highest lattlice energies?
a.           Iodides     b.     Chlorides  c.     Fluorides d.       None of them
13.       Which one of the following Halogens has the highest oxidizing power?
a.           F              b.     Cl                     c.     I               d.     Br
14.       Which one of the following Halogens can oxidize all other halide ions to molecular Halogen?
a.           Cl             b.     F                      c.     I               d.     Br
15.       All halogens react with ________ to form hydrides.
a.           H2O          b.     H              c.     H2SO4                  d.     None of them
16.       Which one of the following halogens requires sunlight for the reaction with Hydrogen?
a.           Cl             b.     Br                     c.     I               d.     At
17.       Direct combination of Hydrogen and Halogen is used as preparative method for
a.           HCl  b.     HBr  c.     HI             d.     Both a and b
18.       Hydrogen fluoride is stored in
a.           Glass containers                       b.     Teflon containers
        c.      Polythene containers                 d.     None of them
19.       Which one of the following Halogens is a radioactive element?
a.           F              b.     At                     c.     Cl             d.     I
20.       Half life of Astatine is
a.           8.3 hours b.      9hours              c.     4.3 hours d.      15 hours
The Halogen and The Noble gases 
21.       Halogens exist in nature as
a.           Atoms                
b.           As discrete atomic forms    
c.           As discrete molecular forms     
d.           As ions
22.       Chlorine has the following colour
a.           Green               b.     Yellow                       c.  Greenish yellow    d.
        Pale yellow
23.       Bromine occurs in nature as
a.           Liquid of red brown colour          b.     Solid of red brown colour
        c.     Gas of red brown colour            d.     None of them
24.       The outer shell of Halogens have the following configuration
a.           ns2 , np3 b. ns2 , np4   c. ns2 , np5 d. ns1 , np6 25. Which one of the following elements has the highest I. E?
        a.     F              b.     Cl                     c.     Br             d.     I
26.       The electron affinity values of Halogen are
a.           Large & negative       b.     Small & - ive     c.     Large & + ive    d.
        Small & +ive
27.       Elements with intermediate values of electronegativity are often found as: 
a.           Ions                          b.     Molecules  
                c.     Elemental form          d.  All of these  
28.       The intermolecular attraction is greater in
a.           Large molecules                                b.     Small molecules         
                c.      Molecules having small masses         d.     None of them
29.       Elements with higher values of the E.N usually exist as
a.           Negative ions            b.     + ive ions           
                c.      Carbanions               d.     None of them
30.       Universal indicator can be decolorized when exposed to  
a.           F2             b.     Cl2    c.     Br2    d.     Both a and b
31.       Oxidation state of F is
a.           Const & - 1                       b.     Variable & -1 , 1
c.  Variable and – 1, 1, 2, 3        d.  None of them 32. Which of the following elements is solid?
        a.     F              b.     Cl                     c.     I               d.     Br
33.       All halides are usually
a.           Soluble in organic solvent          b.     Soluble in H2O
        c.      Soluble in CCl4                                   d.     All of them
34.       Molecular formula of Halite is
a.           CaF2         b.     NaCl                 c.     CaCl2                    d.     NaIO3  
35.       Carnallite is represented by
a.           CaF2 . CaCo3 KI                         b.     CaCl2 . MgCl2 . CuCO3
        c.     KCl . MgCl2 . 6 H2O                   d.     CaF2 . 3Ca3 (PO2) 
36.       One of following ores does not contain fluorine
a.           Fluorspar b.      Cryolite     c.     Apatite              d.     Carnallite 
37.       Electronic configuration of Fluorine is
a.           [ He ] 2S2 , 2P5                          b.     [ Ne ] 2S2 , 2P5
        c.     [ Kr ] 3S2 , 3P5                                    d.     None of them
38.       Hydrogen bonding is strongest among the molecules of 
a.           H2        b.     HF    c.     NH        d.     NaCl
39.       Which one of the following halides has the greatest acid strength?
a.           HCl  b.     HBr  c.     HF            d.     Hl
40.       All the oxides of Halogens are
a.           Basic in character                      b.     Acidic in character

        c.     Amphoteric in character             d.     All of them 

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Stay happy.

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