
Sunday 14 August 2016

Chapter 6 Transition elements important MCQs

2nd year chemistry MCQs of Transition elements
chapter 6

2. The strength of binding energy of transition elements depends upon
(a) no. of electron pairs (b)  no. of unpaired es

(c)  no. of neutrons (d)  no. of protons
3. The colour of transition metal complexes is due to
(a) d-d transition of es (b)  Para magnetic nature of transition elements

(c)  Ionization   (d)  Loss of s-electrons
4. Hematite has formula
(a) FeO (b)  Fe2O3   (c)  Fe3O4   (d)  Fe2O2
6. Transition elements are
(a) Insulators   (b)  Good conductors   (c)  Bad conductors
  (d)  None of these
8. In the process of corrosion of a metal usually,
(a) Sulphides are formed   (b)  Oxides are formed
(c)  Halides are formed (d)  Chlorides are formed
10. Which is the formula of tetra amine dihydroxo platinum (IV) sulphate?
(a) [Pt(OH)2(NH3)4]SO4 (b)  [Pt(NH3)4(OH)2]SO4
(c)  Pt [(NH3)4(OH)2]SO4 (d)  [Pt(OH)2(NH3)4SO4]
11. Which species does not act as a ligand in the formation of complexes?
(a) CH3NH2 (b)  NH4+   (c)  Cl (d)  OH

12. What is the name of the complex [Ni(CO)4]?
(a) Tetra carbonylnickel (O) (b) Tetra carbonyl nickel II
(c)  Tetra carbonyl nickel III (d) Tetra carbonyl nickel IV
13. Elements in which f-orbitals are in the process of completion are called
(a) Outer transitioin elements
(b) Inner transition elements
(c) Non-transition elements
(d) Radioactive elements 
Transition elements
14. The elements in which d or f-orbitals are partially filled are called
(a) Transition elements (b)  Typical elements   (c)  Actinides
  (d)  Lamthanides
15. By passing CO2 through the green solution of K2MnO4 the colour of solution becomes
(a) Yellow   (b)  Purple   (c)  Blue (d)  Red
16. d-block elements are also called
(a) Outer transition elements (b)  Typical transition elements  
(c)  Inner transition elements   (d)  All of these
17. Which form interstitial compounds
(a) Fe (b)  Ni (c)  Co   (d)  All of them
18. Stainless steel is
(a) Compound   (b)  An element   (c)  Alloy  
(d)  100% pure iron
19. In acidic medium, potassium dichromate  acts as
(a) Oxidizing agent   (b)  Reducing agent   (c)  And acid
  (d)  A base
20. The type of hybridization in PCl5 is
(a) dsp2   (b)  sp3 (c)  dsp3   (d)  d2sp2
21. Which furnace is used to prepare steel
(a) Blast furnace (b)  Puddling furnace   (c)  Bessemer converter
  (d)  Pyrite furnace
22. Which one of the following is not ore of iron
(a) Magnetite   (b)  Haematite   (c)  Limonite (d)  Dolomite
23. The chemical formula of chromyl gas is
(a) Cr2O3   (b) CrCl3 (c)  CrOCl2 (d)  CrO2Cl2
24. Which one of the following is a bidentate ligand

(a) Oxalate (b)  Aqua   (c)  Ammonia (d)  OH
25. Which substance is usually used to make the cutting tools and machine tools
(a) Mild steel (b)  Medium steel   (c)  High carbon steel
  (d)  Cast iron
26. In Bessemer convertor, air bubbles from steel are removed by adding small amount of
(a) Carbon   (b)  Silicon (c)  Aluminium  
(d)  Carbon dioxide
27. The toughness of transition elements indicate strong ______ binding
(a) Non-metallic (b)  Metalloid (c)  Metallic
  (d)  None of them
28. Which one is coinage metal?
(a) Gold   (b)  Silver   (c)  Copper (d)  All of them
29. In transition elements binding weakens upto
(a) I B (b)  II B (c)  III B   (d)  VI B
30. Transition elements have ________ melting and boiling points
(a) Low   (b)  High   (c)  Normal   (d)  None of them

31. [Ti(H2O)6]3 ions is __________ in colour
(a) Yellow (b)  Blue   (c)  Red (d)  Violet
32. Interstitial compounds are _________ compounds
(a) Non-stoichiometric   (b)  Stoichiometric (c)  Both a and b
  (d)  None of them
33. _______ are more stable metal complexes
(a) Non-metal chelates (b)  Metals chelates (c)  Metalloid chelates
  (d)  None of them
34. The geometry of complexes depend upon the type of
(a) Hybridization   (b)  Arrangement (c)  Structure
  (d)  None of them
35. _________ has been known since prehistoric
(a) Iron   (b)  Magnet (c)  Steel   (d)  All of them
36. The simplest method to prevent corrosion is
(a) Oil and paints (b)  Varnish (c)  Enamel
  (d)  All of them
37. Which one of the following is not use of KMnO4
(a)  As disinfectant (b)  As germicide (c)  As reducing agent
  (d)  As oxidizing agent
38. Lead chromate is _______ in water
(a) Soluble (b)  Insoluble (c)  Mixable
  (d)  None of them
39. Group VI B of transition elements contains
(a) Zn, Cd, Hg   (b)  Fe, Ru, Os   (c)  Cr, Mo, W  
(d)  Mn, Te, Re
40. On a large scale KMnO4 is prepared from
(a)  Mineral pyrolusite (b)  MnO (c)  NaCl   (d)  KCl

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