
Sunday 14 August 2016

Chapter 4 Group V-A and VI-A Elements

Chemistry Chapter 4 FSC 2nd year 

 Chapter= Group V-A and VI-A Elements
chapter 4 
1.                  Which one of the following is a white waxy solid with garlic like odour? 
a.                   P2O3                b.         P2O5                c.         PCl5                             d.         H3PO3
2.                  Arsenic and antimony have
a.                   Metallic character                                b.         Non – metallic character
            c.         Both a & b                                          d.         None of them
3.                  Nitrogen and phosphorus give
a.                   Basic oxide     b.         Acidic oxide c.            Amphoteric oxide       d.         None of them
4.                  How much volume of nitrogen is present in air?
a.                   78%                 b.         79%                 c.         76%                             d.         77%
5.                  What is the chemical formula of nitric anhydride?
a.                   N2O3    b.         N2O5    c.         NO                              d.         NO2
6.                  What is produced by the action of conc. HNO3 and H2S.
a.                   NO2                  b.         N2O3    c.         NO                              d.         N2O
7.                  Aqua regia is formed by mixing
a.                   One volume of HNO3 & 3 volume of HCl     b.       One volume of HNO3 & 2 volume of HCl
            c.         One volume of HNO3 & one volume of HCl d. One volume of HNO3 & one volume of HNO3 8.         In which substance nitrogen is not present.
            a.         Urea                b.         Protein             c.         Chile  salt peter           d.         Galena
9.                  Which one of the following oxides is a Neutral oxide? 
a.                   N2O                 b.         N2O3    c.         N2O4                d.         N2O5
10.              Elements of group VIA show a covalency of +2, +4, +6, except 
a.                   S                      b.         Se                    c.         Po                                d.         O
11.              The catalyst used in the contact process is 
a.                   V2O  b.         P2O   c.         Fe3O4               d.         Pt
12.              The oxidation state of S in H2S2O7
a.                   +4                    b.         +5                    c.         +6                                d.         +7
13.              In which of the following compounds, oxygen has a positive oxidation state?
a.                   H2O2    b.         ClO2                 c.         OF2                                   d.         CO2
14.              Which one of the following acids acts both as an oxidizing and reducing agent? 
a.                   HNO3              b.         H2SO4             c.         HNO2                          d.         H3PO4
15.              Which one of the followings is a combustible gas? 
a.                   N2O                 b.         NO                  c.         NO2                             d.         None of these 
16.              The type of bonding of group VA elements varies down the group from
a.                   Covalent to ionic                     b.         Non polar covalent to polar covalent
            c.         Ionic to covalent                     d.         Polar covalent to non – polar covalent
17.              Out of all the elements of group VA, the highest ionization energy is possessed by
a.                   N                     b.         P                      c.         Sb                                d.         Bi
18.              Laughing gas is chemically
a.                   NO                  b.         N2O                 c.         NO2                                  d.         N2O4  
19.              Which one of the following statements is incorrect? 
a.                   H2SO4 acts as a strong oxidizing agent           
b.                  H2SO4 acts as a strong Reducing agent 
c.                   H2SO4 acts as a dehydrating agent 
d.                  H2SO4 acts as a sulphonating agent 
20.              Which statement is incorrect? 
a.                   Oxygen helps in combustion               b.         Oxygen is itself combustible 
            c.         Oxygen is paramagnetic in Nature     d.         Oxygen doesn't react with acids 

21.              Phosphorus uses the following orbitals for bonding
a.                   3s                     b.         3p                    c.         3d                    d.         All of these
Group V-A and VI-A Elements 
22.              Mark the incorrect statement?
a.                   Both oxygen and sulphure exhibit allotropic forms    
b.                  Both oxygen and sulphure have polyatomic molecules                       
c.                   Both oxygen and sulphure are paramagnetic in Nature                       
d.                  Both oxygen and sulphure are non-metals 
23.              Dinitrogen pentoxide has oxidation number of nitrogen 
a.                   +2                    b.         +3                    c.         +4                    d.         +5
24.              What is produced in this reaction  Ba(NO2)2 + H2SO4 BaSO4 + ?
a.                   NO                  b.         NO2                 c.         HNO2                          d.         HNO3
25.              Sulphur trioxide is an anhydride of
a.                   Sulphurous acid          b.  Sulphuric acid        c.         Hyposulphuric acid     d. Hydro sulphuric acid
26.              Atomic number of phosphorus is
a.                   7                      b.         15                    c.         33                                d.         51
27.              What is the colour of nitrogen gas
a.                   Black  b.         Pink                 c.         Brown                         d.         Colourless
28.              On what temperature N2O is produced from NH4NO3?
a.                   200oC              b.         300oC              c.         400oC                          d.         500C
29.              Which one of the following possesses M.P below OoC?
a.                   N                     b.         P                      c.         C                                 d.         Bi
30.              Which one of the followings is an anhydride of nitrous acid? 
a.                   NO                  b.         NO2                 c.         N2O3                d.         N2O5
31.              The most electronegative element among the following is _____________
a.                   Sb                    b.         N                     c.         As                    d.         P
32.              Formation of H2SO4   by contact process is an example of
a.                   Homogeneous equilibrium                  b.         Heterogeneous equilibrium
            c.         Sulphonation                                       d.         Dilution
33.              Which one of the following species has maximum number of unpaired electrons
a.                   O2-2                   b.         O2-1                   c.         O2+                    d.         O2
34.              What is produced in this reaction
                 P4 + 10N2O                   ? + 10N2
a.                   P2O5                  b.         P4O10   c.         Both a & b                  d.         None of them
35.              Which test is used to confirm nitrate?
a.                   Lake test         b.         Ring test          c.         Both a & b                  d.         None of them
36.              What is produced is this reaction 4NO2 + 2H2O + O                 ?
a.                   HNO3              b.         HNO2              c.         H2O + NO2                   d.         H2O
37.              _______________ decolourizes acidified KMnO4 and Br2 water
a.                   HNO2              b.         HNO3              c.         Both a & b                  d.         None of them
38.              What is produced in this reaction?    3CH3OH + PCl3        ? + H3PO3
a.                   CH3Cl             b.         CH2Cl2                c.         CCl4                                  d.         None of them
39.              When sugars are treated with conc.H2SO4 the sugar solns turned black due to
a.                   Hydration        b.         Dehydration  c.           Oxidation                    d.         Decolourization 
40.              What is produced in this reaction  3Cu + 8HNO3 (dil) 3 Cu (NO3)2 + ? + 4H2O

a.                   N2O3    b.         NO2                 c.         NO                              d.         N2O5

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