
Saturday 13 August 2016

Chapter 3 Group III-A and Group IV-A elements MCQs

Chemistry Group III-A and Group IV-A elements MCQs of FSC second year

Chapter 3 chemistry 
FSC Part 2:Chemistry  Chapter 3  Group III-A and Group IV-A elements Notes and MCQs for practice and board exams are collected.These are quite important for 2nd year students.

1.                  Crystalline form in which, litharge usually exist are:
a.                   Monoclinic and Tetragonal     b.         Cubic and hexagonal 
                c.         Rhombic and Tetragonal                    d.         Triclinic and Orthorhombic 
2.                  Sodium silicate is a salt of 
a.                   H2SiO3 b.         HSiO3              c.         SiO2                             d.         H2Mg3(SiO3)4
3.                  When a hot concentrated solution of borax is treated with conc. H2SO4, crystals of           acid are produced. 
a.                   HBO2              b.         H3BO3             c.         H2B4O7                        d.         H6B4O9
4.                  Feldspar, potash mica and zircon are the famous minerals of 
a.                   C                     b.         Si                     c.         Al                                d.         Fe
5.                  Which metal is used in the thermite process because of its activity?
a.                   Iron                 b.         Copper c.         Aluminium                  d.         Zinc
6.                  Chemical composition of colemanite is
a.                   Ca2B6O11. 5H2 O                                 b.         CaB4O7 . 4H2 O
            c.         NaB4O7 . 4H2 O                                  d.         CaB5O9 . 8H2 O
7.                  Which element forms an ion with charge +3.
a.                   Be                    b.         Al                    c.         C                                 d.         Si
8.                  Tincal is a mineral of
a.                   Al                    b.         B                     c.         Si                                 d.         C
9.                  Substance  which is found in dried up lakes of Tibet and California is _____________
a.                   Tincal  b.         Boric acid                    c.         Calcium carbonate                  d.         All
10.              Which electronic configuration corresponds to an element of group IIIA?
a.                   1S2 , 2S2 , 2P3                                                  b.         1S2 , 2S2 , 2P6 , 3S2 , 3P1
            c.         1S2 , 2S2 , 2P4                                                              d.        1S2 , 2S2 , 2P6 , 3S2 , 3P3
11.              In network of silica (SiO2) , one silicon atom is surrounded by______________ atoms of oxygen.
a.                   4                      b.         2                                  c.         1                                  d.         6
12.              Orthoboric acid is 2.6% soluble in water at 40oC and ______________ at 1070C
a.                   26%                 b.         27%                             c.         37%                             d.         < 2.6%
13.              The methyl silicone of high molecular mass is like
a.                   Plaster             b.         Lubricant         c.         Glass              d.         Rubber
14.              H3BOis
a.                   Metaboric acid            b.  Pyroboric acid        c.  Orthoboric acid                  d. Tetraboric acid
15.              Gibbsite contain water molecules
a.                   6                      b.         2                      c.         5                                  d.         3
16.              The observed C – O bond distance in CO2 is
a.                   120pm             b.         115pm             c.         110pm                         d.         105pm
17.              Boric acid is used as eye wash due to its
a.                   Weakly acidic property                       b.         Antiseptic nature
            c.         Antibiotic nature                                 d.         Weakly basic properties
18.              In SiO2 , the central atom silicon is hybridized
a.                   Sp3                     b.         Sp2                     c.         Sp                                d.         dsp3
19.              Which one of the following is not a characteristic property of carbon?
a.                   Catenation                                           b.         Multiple bond formation
            c.         Activity of d – orbital for bonding     d.         Hardest allotrope 
20.              Corundum is
a.                   Al2O3   b.         Na3AlF6              c.         quartz                          d.         Calcium

21.              In transistors, silicon is used as
a.                   Super conductor          b.  Semi - conductor    c.  Bad conductor       d.         Insulator
22.              The total number of electrons in one molecule of CO2 is
a.                   22                    b.         44                                c.         66                    d.         88
23.              Which substance is not formed by heating plumbus oxalate?
a.                   Pb2O    b.         CO2                                   c.         CO                  d.         Pb3O4  

24.              In which substance silicon is not present
a.                   Talc                 b.         Asbestos                      c.         Dolomite         d.         Zircon
25.              Metallic character _____________ from left to right is periodic table
a.                   Increases         b.         Decreases                    c.  Remains constant d.           None of them
26.              Pentahydrate borax separates out when heated at
a.                   Above 62oC    b.         Below 62oC                 c.         Below52oC      d.         None of them
27.              Boric acid can be titrated is the presence of glycerine against standard alkali using 
a.                   Methyl orange             b.         Phenolphthalein          c.         Borax  d.         None of them
28.              Which metal is used to remove air bubbles from molten metal
a.                   B                     b.         Al                                c.         Ga                   d.         In
29.              Cooled liquid silica is called
a.                   Vitreous silica b.         Amethyst quartz         c.         Fused quartz d.           None of them
30.              The stable yellow modification of lead chromate is 
a.                   Monoclinic      b.         Triclinic                       c.         Cubic  d.         Trigonal
31.              Boron is non – metal whereas Al is metal, it is due to
a.                   Small size        b.         High nuclear charge c.  Both a & b    d. No authorized justification yet
32.              Boron in soil has been considered essential specially for
a.                   Soil porocity b.            Proper growth of plants          c.         Alkalinity of soil         d.         All
33.              One of the outstanding feature of boron is its ability to form _______________
a.                   Molecular addition compounds                      b.         Molecular crystals
            c.         Semi conductors                                             d.         All
34.              Which of the following is not a use of silicon?
a.                   Lubricants       b.         Hydranlic brakes         c.         Antifreeze       d.         Water repellent

35.              Litharge is chemically
a.                   PbO                 b.         PbO2    c.         Pb3O            d.         Pb (CH3COO)2
36.              Which are correct oxidation states for lead?
a.                   +1, +2              b.         +3, +5              c.         +2, +4                          d.         +4 only
37.              Which one of the following is ore of boron
a.                   Galena             b.         Cinnabar          c.         Emerald                       d.         Colemanite
38.              Which one of the following reactions of Al with different substances is used in photo flash?
a.                   2Al + 3H 2AlH3       b.         4Al + 3O 2Al2O3
            c.                         2Al + N 2AlN                               d.                        2Al + Cl 2AlCl3  
39.              A solution of borax in water is 
a.                   Acidic             b.         Alkaline                       c.         Neutral            d.         Non of these
40.              Orthoboric acid on strong heating to red heat gives
a.                   Borax  b.         Boron oxide                c.   Metaboric acid      d.         Tetraboric acid

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