
Friday 12 August 2016

Chapter 2 s-Block elements MCQs

Chemistry second year Chapter 2 s-Block elements MCQs

FSC Part 2:Chemistry Book 2 Chapter 2  s-Block elements Notes and MCQs for practice and board exams are collected.These are important for second year students.
 Chapter 2 Chemistry

1. Because of BeO coating, Beryllium is quite resistant towards complete. 
a. Oxidation   b. Reduction  
c. Halogenation   d. Hydrogenation   
2. The ionic hydrides are used as  
a. Reducing agent   b. Oxidizing agent  
c. Dehydrating agent   d. All of these  
3. Which element is essential for the optimum activity of microorganism that produce nitrates  
a. S b. Ca   c. Mg   d.
4. Element which shows similar properties to K is  
a. Ca   b. Mg   c. Rb   d. Ba 
5. Who was the first scientist, to arrange elements in different categories  
a. Dalton b. Al Razi c. Dobereiner d. Mendeleev 
6. Which one of the following substance conducts electricity by the movement of ions? 
a. Graphite   b. Copper  
c. Molten sodium chloride   d. Mercury  
7. Sugar can be refined by using  
a. Lime   b. Gypsum  c. NaOH d. Na2CO3 
8. Ionization energy of calcium is 
a. Lower than that of barium  
b. Lower than that of magnesium 
c. Higher than that of beryllium    
d. Lower than that of strontium 
9. Melting points of halogens 
a. Decrease down the group  
b. Increase down the group 
c. Remain the same throughout the group 
d. First increase and then decrease down the group 
10. In which one of the following sets do all three particles have same number of total electrons? 
a. F , Cl,  Br   b. Li+, K+ , Na+  
c. N-3, O-2 , F- d. Na+, Mg+2 , K+ 
11. Which one of the following elements burns in air to form an oxide which, when shaken with water, gives a solution with a pH greater than 7 ? 
a. Carbon b. Magnesium c. Sulphur   d. Hydrogen 
12. Which one of the following oxides is amphoteric in nature. 
a. MgO   b. Na2O c. SO2   d. ZnO 
13. According to modern periodic law, the chemical and physical properties of elements are periodic functions of their 
a. Density b. Atomic mass  
c. Atomic number d. Mass number 
14. Which one of the following elements has greater first ionization energy. 
a. Li b. Be   c. F d. Ne 
15. Atomic number was discovered in 1913 by 
a. Newland b. Mendeleev c. Mosley     d. None of them 
16. In Mendeleev’s periodic table, elements like Be, Mg, Ca, Zn, Cd, are placed in  
a. One group b. Different groups  
c. One period d. Different periods 
17. The __________ of main group metal oxides increases on deceasing a group. 
a. Acidity b. Basicity  
c. Amphotericity   d. None of them 
18. The longest period in the modern periodic table is 
a. 6th   b. 7th   c. 2nd and 3rd both d. 5th  
19. Seventh period contains __________ normal elements. 
a. 2 b. 4 c. 6 d.
20. Modern periodic table has been divided in ________________ blocks 
a. 2 b. 4 c. 8 d.
21. Best position of hydrogen in the periodic table is above I – A group which is mainly due to _________________ 
a. Both are electropositive    
b. Similar valence electronic configuration 
c. Both are not found in free state  
d. All 
22. Which one of the following sets consists of all coinage metals?  
a. Cu, Hg, Au b. Cu, Ag, Au  
c. Ag, Au, Hg d. Cu, Fe, Au 
23. In which of the following pairs are elements belonging to the same group? 
a. B & Be b. N & P c. Mg & Al       d. Ga & He 
24. An element has electronic configuration 1S2 , 2S2 , 2p2 .with which group does this element belong? 
a. Group II   b. Group IV    
c. Group VII     d. Group Zero 
25. Higher value of electron affinity means _____________________ 
a. Atom will loose electron easily  
b. Atom will gains electron easily 
c. Atom may form di – positive ion  
d. The reason is unknown 26. Spodumene is the mineral of 
  a. Sodium b. Potassium c.   Lithium d.    None of them 
27. Outer portion of earth was originally in the form of silicates and alumino silicates of ___________ metals. 
a. Alkali b. Alkaline earth c. Both a & b    d. None of them 
28. Lithium salts of anions are generally ________________ in water than others  
a. Highly soluble   b. Soluble  
c. Less soluble d. None of them 
29. Which one of the following is used in breathing equipments for mountaineers? 
a. KO2   b. BeO   c. MgO d. None of these 
30. Plaster of Paris is obtained by heating chemical above 100oC which is 
a. BeSO4 b. SrSO4 c. MgSO4         d. CaSO4 . 2H2O 
31. The maximum number of electrons in the outermost shell of s – block element is: 
a. One   b. Two   c. Three d. Four 
32. In the earth crust sodium is 
a. 2.50% b. 2.30% c. 2.40% d. 3.50% 
33. The chemical formula of magnesite is: 
a. MgCl2 b. Mg (HCO3)2 c. MgCO3         d. None of these 
34. NaHCO3 is commonly called 
a. Soda ash   b. Baking soda  
c. Washing soda   d. None of these 
35. The electrolytic cell used for the production of metallic sodium is known as 
a. Down’s cell b. Solvay’s cell  
c. Haber’s cell d. None of these 
36. Lithium reacts with air to form 
a. Peroxide   b. Normal oxide    
c. Superoxide d. None of these 
37. The chemical formula of chile salt peter is 
a. Na2CO3 b. KNO3 c. NaNO2 d. NaNO3 
38. The oxidation number of each element of group I – A is  
a. O b. +1   c. +2   d. -1 
39. Crystals of Na2CO3 .10H2O when exposed to air 
a. Lose water and remain solid    
b. Gain water and remain solid 
c. Gain water and become liquid  
d. Remains unchanged 
40. Soda Lime is used to remove  
a. CO2   b. NO2   c. H2O   d. Both a and b

FSC part 2 Chemistry MCQs Practice

1.                  Which one of the followings does not belong to alkaline Earth metals? 
a.                   Be                    b.         Ra                    c.         Ba                                d.         Rn
2.                  Chile saltpeter has chemical formula: 
a.                   Na2 B4 O7        b.         Na No3                c.         KNO3                          d.         Ca(NO3)2
3.                  Beryllium is quite resistant towards complete oxidation due to 
a.                   Hardness         b.         Beo coating  c.            Small atomic size        d.         All of these 
4.                  Carnallite has chemical formula 
a.                   Na2 CO3. H2O                                     b.         KCl      
                c.         KCl-MgCl2 . 6H2O                             d.         Ca3 Mg SiO4
5.                  Lithium conform all compounds except 
a.                   Carbide           b.         Nitrides           c.         Acetyl ides                  d.         Oxides 
6.                  Which element is deposited at cathode during electrolysis of brine? 
a.                   Na                   b.         Cl2                   c.         H2                                d.         O2
7.                  Nelson cell is used to prepare: 
a.                   Chlorine gas  b.       Caustic soda        c.         Both "a" and "b"         d.         Only "b"
8.                  A mixture of NaOH and Ca(OH)2 is often called as 
a.                   Caustic soda b.            Baking soda    c.         Washing soda              d.         Soda-lime 
9.                  Which one of the following oxide finds its application in breathing equipments? 
a.                   Na2 O              b.         K2O     c.         KO2                             d.         Ba2O2
10.              2% gypsum is added to the cement because it:
a.                   Increases setting time             b.         Decreases setting time 
                c.         Make it powdry                                  d.         All of these 
11.              Lithium reacts with air to form: 
a.                   Peroxides        b.         Normal oxide  c.         Super oxide                  d.         All of these
12.              Crystals of Na2 CO3-10H2O when exposed to air 
a.                   Lose H2O and remain solid     b.         Gain H2O and remain solids                
c. Gain H2O and become liquid   d. Remains unchanged  13. Which of the following elements belong to s-block? 
                a.         I – A                b.         II – A               c.         Both "a" and "b"            d.         I – B 
14.              Soda-lime is used to remove 
a.                   CO2                 b.         NO2                 c.         H2O                             d.         Both "a" & "b"
15.              Which one of the following carbonate does not decompose on heating? 
a.                   Zn CO3            b.         Li2 CO3           c.         Na2 CO3                      d.         CaCO3
16.              Which one of the following carbonate is insoluble in Water?
a.                   Li2 CO3           b.         Na2 CO3          c.         K2 CO3                        d.         CaCO3
17.              Commercially prepared NaOH contains NaCl"
a.                   1%                   b.         2%                   c.         5%                               d.         16%
18.              A suspension of Mg(OH)2 in water is called 
a.                   Lime water                                          b.         Milk of Magnesiam 
                c.         Slaked lime                                         d.         Artificial Milk 
19.              Which one is hardest metal? 
a.                   Li                     b.         Be                    c.         Rb                               d.         Ca
20.              Which one is weakest base? 
a.                   NaOH             b.         KOH  c.         Li OH                          d.         Rb OH
21.              Dead burnt gypsum is 
a.                   CaCO3             b.         CaSO4             c.         CaSO4 . 2H2O             d.         None of these 
22.              Aqueous solution of Na2CO3 is 
a.                   Basic   b.         Acidic c.         Amphoteric     d.         Neutral 
23.              Gypsum is added to the soil as a source of 
a.                   "Ca" and "S" b.           Ca & P c.         Ca & N                        d.         K & N 
24.              Which of the following compounds cannot be formed by lithium at room temperature? 
a.                   Bicarbonates  b.          Tri-Iodides      c.         Hydrogen sulphides  d.           All of these 
25.              The reaction of an alkalimetal oxide with water is: 
a.                   Hydration                                            b.         Redox reaction                         
                c.         Acid base reaction                              d.         All of these 
26.              The hardness of lime mortar is due to the formation of: 
a.                   CaCO3             b.         Ca SO4                c.         Ca SiO3                       d.         All of these 
27.              Calcium carbide on hydrolysis gives 
a.                   Methane          b.         Ethyne             c.         Ethane                         d.         Ethane  
28.              Most of the earth crust is composed of 
a.                   Silicates of group II A                       b.         Alumino-silicates of Group II A
                c.         Alumino silicates of Group IA           d.         All of the given 
29.              The main constituent of teeth is 
a.                   CaSO4             b.         Ca3(PO4)2        c.         CaCO3                         d.         Ca(OH)2
30.              Which one of the following nitrates on heating decompose to give O2, NO2 and metallic oxide 
a.                   NaNO3                b.         KNO3              c.         Mg(NO3)2                    d.         Ca(NO3)2
31.              Which of the followings is a least water-soluble alkaline earth metal hydroxide? 
a.                   Ca(OH)2          b.         Be (OH)2         c.         Sr (OH)2                      d.         Ba (OH)2
32.              Which one of the followings reacts with alkalies to give H2 gas? 
a.                   Rb                   b.         Be                    c.         Ca                                d.         Mg
33.              Which one is not a mineral of sodium 
a.                   Sylvite             b.         Borax              c.         Natron                         d.         Trona
34.              Which one of the followings does not give flame test? 
a.                   Li                     b.         Na                   c.         Ca                                d.         Ba 
35.              Which one is the ore of potassium 
a.                   Spodumene     b.         Carnallite         c.         Dolumite                     d.         Asbestose 
36.              Alkali metals are 
a.                   Strong oxidizing agents                      b.         Strong reducing agents 
c.          Hydrolyzing agents                 d.         Both oxidizing and reducing agents  37.        Which of the following alkali metals can form complexes? 
            a.         Sodium            b.         Lithium           c.         Potassium                    d.         All 
38.              Mark the correct statement 
a.                   Alkali metals can form normal oxides                         
b.                  Alkali metals can form peroxides and superoxides except lithium                       
c.                   Alkaline earth metals can form normal oxides only                 
d.                  All of the given 
39.              Which of the followings doesn't react with water to produce hydroxide? 
a.                   Be                    b.         Mg                   c.         Ca                                d.         Sr
40.              The sole-products of hydrolysis of nitrides of alkaline earth metals are 
a.                   Nitrogen, Hydrogen and Respective metal    
b.                  Ammonia and Hydroxide of Respective metal 
c.                   Ammonia, Hydrogen and Respective metal 
d.                  All of these  

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