
Thursday 15 September 2016

NUST entry test NET MCQs collection

This is possibly the hugest accurate collection of NUST entry test (NET) MCQs collected from students who appeared in past NET.Enjoy it and don't forget to give your answers in comments.

NET physics 

  1. the origin of field of force is
    1. spin motion of nucleus
    2. charge on electron
    3. mass of the object
    4. not yet known
  2. the force experienced by unit positive charge place3d at a point in electric field is known as
    1. electric field intensity
    2. electric force
    3. magnetic field intensity
    4. capacitance
  3. the electric intensity at infinite distance from the point charge is
    1. zero
    2. infinite
    3. 1 volt /m
    4. Negative
  4. Two point charges of 16 micro C and 4 micro C are separated by a distance of 3.0 m, the spot on the line joining the two charges where electric field is zero is
    1. Between the two charges
    2. Left of 4 micro C charge
    3. Right of 4 micro C charge
    4. Right of 16 micro C charge
  5.  Good news! 
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    If a close surface contains two equal and opposite charges, the net electric flux from the surface will be
    1. Electric flux
    2. Positive
    3. Negative
    4. Zero
    5. None of these
  6. Electric flux is a
    1. Vector quantity
    2. Scalar quantity
    3. Tensor
    4. Abstract
  1. A charge of 0.1 C accelerated through a potential difference of 1000 V acquires K.E
    1. 200 J
    2. 1000 J
    3. 400 J
    4. 100 J
  2. The value of relative permittivity constant for air is
    1. 1.006
    2. 1.0006
    3. 1.000006
    4. 1.6
  3. Sharks have special organs, called the ampullae of lorenzini that detect potential difference of the order of
    1. Milli volt
    2. Micro volt
    3. Nano volt
    4. Pico volt
  4. The motion of windshield wipers of cars is the application of
    1. Energy stored in capacitor
    2. Charging and discharging of capacitor
    3. Energy density
    4. None of these
  5. The capacitance of a capacitor increases by
    1. Decreasing , separation between plates
    2. Increasing area of plates
    3. Placing dielectric between plates
    4. All
  6. Who introduced the concept of electric o electric field lines
    1. Michael Fa raday
    2. Maxwell
    3. Dalton
    4. Newton
  7. Which one is a photo conductor
    1. Selenium
    2. Sodium coated oxides
    3. Potassium coated oxide
    4. All
  8. Two points have a difference of potential of 10 volts. Work done in moving a charge of 5 coulomb from one point to another is
    1. 2j
    2. 50 J
    3. 10 J
    4. 12J
  9. A charged oil drop is stationary between two metallic plates. If the drop caries a charge of q C and mass m kg, the PD between plates is
    1. F/q
    2. qE
    3. mg/d
    4. mgd/q
  10. in ERG, the graph is plotted between time and
    1. current
    2. potential difference
    3. forc3e
    4. work
  11. pyrex glass is an example of
    1. conductor
    2. insulator
    3. semi conductor
    4. dielectric
  12. the vessel containing electrolyte and two electrodes is known as
    1. acquifier
    2. voltameter
    3. primary cell
    4. voltmeter
  13. Rheostate consists of a wire of
    1. Manganin
    2. Silver
    3. Aluminium
    4. Molybedenum
  14. If the fourth band is silver then the tolerance is
    1. 10 %
    2. 20 %
    3. 5%
    4. 50%
  15. A zero ohm resistor is indicated by
    1.  orange band
    2. Four black band
    3. One black band
    4. Red band
  16. If length of wire is doubled uniformly by stretching the wire then its resistance becomes
    1. Four times
    2. One fourth
    3. Two times
    4. Remains same
  17. The terminal potential difference is greater than emf of a cell when
    1. R = infinity
    2. Battery is supplying current
    3. R =  0
    4. When battery is being charged
  18. The total flux through a closed surface depends upon
    1. Shape of closed surface
    2. Geometer of the closed surface
    3. Charge enclosed by the surface
    4. All of the above
  19. Two plates are 2 cm apart. A potential difference of 10 V is applied between them, the electric field between the poates is
    1. 200 N/C
    2. 2 N/C
    3. 500 N/C
    4. 5 N/C
  20. A 40 watt 100 watt and 150 watt bulbs are connected in series across 220 volt supply. Which bulb will be brightest?
    1. 150 watt
    2. 100 watt
    3. 40 watt
    4. All have same brightness
  21. An ideal voltmeter has resistance
    1. finite
    2. Zero
    3. Constant
    4. Infinite
  22. When the potential difference is applied across the conductor a directional flow of electrons sets up. The drift velocity of electrons _ with increasing temperature
    1. Increases
    2. Decreases
    3. Constant
    4. First increase then decreases
  23. A 60 watt lamp operates at 50 % effiency. How much energy is dissipatedin 10 sec
  24. 200 J
  25. 300 J
  26. 600 J
  27. None of these
  28. A thermistor measures very low temperature near
    1. 5 C
    2. 5K
    3. 10 C
    4. 10k
  29. Resistance offered by a meter cube of a material is known as
    1. Conductivity
    2. Resistivity
    3. Inductivity
    4. Conductance
  30. An electrical motor has power 500 W the current drawn through it is 4A Find potential difference
    1. 126 V
    2. 127 V
    3. 125 V
    4. 120 V
  31. One thousand watts of electric power is transmitted to a device by means of two wires, each of which has resistance of 2 oh. If  the resulting potential difference across the decive is 1000 volts the potential difference across the source supplying power is
    1. 240 V
    2. 100 V
    3. 50 V
    4. 200 V
  32. An electric charge on the surface of a hallow metal sphere is doubled, the electric field intensity at middle, inside the sphere
    1. Increases decreases
    2. Remains same
    3. Zero

NUST NET Chemistry 

  1. Modern periodic table has number of groups and number of periods
    1. 8,12
    2. 12,7
    3. 7,8
    4. 8,7
  2.  F block elements are also called
    1. Outer transition element
    2. Inner trasition elements
    3. Alkaline earth elements
    4. Coinage earth metal
  3. Which one of the following elements has the non variable oxidation state
    1. Berylium
    2. Chlorine
    3. Bromine
    4. Nitrogen
  4. The elements of 1 A and II A group are obtained by the electrolysis of their molten
    1. Chlorides
    2. Carbonates
    3. Nitrate
    4. Oxides
  5. Which element is the most electropositive in the periodic table
    1. Barium
    2. Calcium
    3. Potassium
    4. Cesium
  1. What are the products of the thermal decomposition of lithium nitrate?
    1. Lithiumnitride and oxygen
    2. Lithium oxide, nitrogen and oxygen
    3. Lithium osice, nitrogen dioxide and oxygen
    4. Lithium oxide and nitrogen
  2. Uniqueness of mendeleev’s periodic table is that he
    1. Determined atomic mass of elements
    2. Classified elements inot 12 periods
    3. Left empty spaces for undiscovered elements
    4. Placed Na, K with Ca and Mg
  3. Which one of the following determines the position of an element in the periodic table?
    1. Chemical reactivity
    2. Number of electorns in outer orbital
    3. First ionization energy
    4. Number of protons in the nucleus of its atom
  4. Lattice energy of carbonate of alkaline earth metals increases down the grup because of
    1. Increase in the size of cation
    2. Decrease in polarization
    3. Both a and c
    4. None of the above
  5. As we move from groups IA to groups IIA which of the following trend is incorrect
    1. Metallic radus decreases
    2. First ionization energy increases
    3. Thermal stability decreases
    4. Solubility of compounds
  6. All the following elements of IA group form super oxide except
    1. Na
    2. Rb
    3. K
    4. Cs
  7. Group of elements in the modern periodic table is based on
    1. Core electrons
    2. Inert electron pair
    3. Valence electrons
    4. Lone pair of electron
  8. Which of the following elements imparts brick red color in the flame
    1. Na
    2. Ca
    3. K
    4. Sr
  9. Which of the scientists experimentally proved that element should be arranged in the periodic table on the basic of atomic number and not on the basic of atomic mass
    1. Mendeleev
    2. Newland
    3. Dobereiner
    4. Moseley
  10. Elements in the periodic table  are classified into four blocks. This classification is bsed upon
    1. Valence orbital
    2. Sub-shell
    3. Shell
    4. All
  11. Which of the following elements has greatest value of first ionization energy
    1. N
    2. O
    3. C
    4. B
  12. Which halogenhas greatest value of electron affinity
    1. F
    2. Cl
    3. Br
    4. I
  13. Ionization energy is the index to the  metallic character. The element which have
    1. Low ionization energy meals
    2. High ionization energy nonmetals
    3. Intermediate metalloids
    4. All
  14. Which is incorrect statement?
    1. 1st electron affinity value is always negative
    2. Term electronegativity is associated with molecule
    3. Electron affinity is associated with atom
    4. Oxidation number increases down the group
  15. Which statement about oxidation number is incorrect
    1. Oxidation number increases along the period
    2. Oxidation state is the apparent charge on an atom in the compound
    3. Transition elements show more than one oxidation number
    4. Maximum oxidation number is +7
  16. Which of the element is the best conductor  of electricity ?
    1. Zn
    2. Fe
    3. Cu
    4. Ca
  17. Hydration energy depends on
    1. Charge on ion \
    2. Size of ion
    3. Both a and b
    4. None of these
  18. Hydrogen has which of the following properties?
  19.  it act as reducing agent like IA group elements
  20. It shows resemble with IA, IVA,VIIA group
  21. During electrolysis it is collected at cathode like metals
  22. All
  23. Keeping in view the size of atoms, which order is correct one?
    1. Mg>Sr
    2. Ba>Mg
    3. Cl>i
    4. Lu>Ce
  24. Which is incorrect?
    1. All the metal are good conductors of electricity
    2. All the metals are good conductor of heat
    3. All the metals form positive ions
    4. All the metals from acidic oxides
  25. Which one of the following minerals has no calcium
    1. Gypsum
    2. Dolomite
    3. Calcite
    4. Carnallite
  26. Which of the following eolement can only react with NaOH
    1. Be
    2. Mg
    3. Ca
    4. Ba
  27. Which of the following oxides in insoluble ion H2O
    1. BeO
    2. MgO
    3. Both
    4. CaO
  28. Na is obtained by electrolysis of molten NaCl by
  29.  galvanic cell
  30. Down cell
  31. Nelson cell
  32. Fuel cell
  33. Which is the use of sulphur?
    1. Essential constituent of plant
    2. Has influence on chlorophyll development of leaves
    3. For the enlargement of root system
    4. All
  34. Which of the element form polymeric halides?
    1. Na
    2. Al
    3. S
    4. C
  35. Which is nt a use of lime
    1. As dehydrating agent
    2. In iron extraction
    3. Manufacturing of bleaching powder
    4. As flux in welding
  36. Oxides of beryllium are
    1. Acidic
    2. Basic
    3. Amphoteric
    4. Neutral
  37. In electrolysis of aqueous solution of NaCl the primary product obtained at anode electrode is
    1. Na
    2. Cl2
    3. NaOH
    4. NaCl
A friendly discussion on MCQs can be started in comments.

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