
Wednesday 14 September 2016

FMDC past paper 2012 solved

Past papers of FMDC will help medical students to get admission into medical colleges,If you have good drill of these papers,you will perform well in exams and hopefully get a seat in a medical institute.

Federal Medical and Dental College 2012 past paper

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   Federal Medical and Dental College ENGLISH portion

past paperQ1.  Ambition is one of those _____________ which is never satisfied.
A) Ideas
B) fancies
C) energies
D) passions

Q2. The opponents were outnumbered, but still the commander refused to give ______?
 A) Out
 B) way
 C) over
 D) in

Q3. Spot the error:
the dean of this college is a good friend of me.

Q4. Spot the error:
there have been heavy rainfall yesterday!
Q5. Choose similar meanings
a) uncivilized
b) civilized
Q6. Choose opposite meaning
a) vague
b) doubtful
c) sure
d) clownish

Q7. Choose the opposite meaning:
a) cite
b) analyze
Q8. He was very polite _______ me.
a) to
b) with
c) on
d) for
e) of

Read the passage to answer the question 9-10

Doctors are people who examine other people in their clinics. When patients visit them, the doctors follow a certain procedure. They take the pulse, thump the chest and listen to the heart beats through the stethoscope, and perhaps a miniature rubber tyre is put around the patient's arm and is blown up to check what is called blood-pressure

Q9. Who are the other people whom doctors examine?
a) Men
b) Women
c) Patients
d) Children

Q10. Patients visit doctors means
a) They address them
b) They visit their homes
c) They go to them as patients
d) They make courtesy calls on them

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                        FMDC PHYSICS

Q1. Two masses of 7kg and 3kg respectively are hanging on a frictionless pulley... Calculate the acceleration due to gravity...
 a) 1 ms^-2
 b) 2 ms^-2
 c) 3 ms^-2
 d) 4 ms^-2
 e) 5 ms^-2
Q2. A body is moving upward with a vel0city of 500 what will be the height?
Ans: 12.7km

Q3. A ball is thrown vertically upward with a velocity of 98 m/s, how high does the ball rise? (g = 9.8 m/s)
a.360 meters
 b.380 meters
 c.490 meters
 d.510 meters
e.320 meters
Q4. which quantity can be described in terms of only two base quantities?
a. Current
b. Charge
c. force
d. temperature
Q5. at given t taken a body at rest which then moves with an acelerati0n, after 3sec its momentum is?
(Incomplete data)
Q6. Which pair includes a scalar quantity and a vector quantity?
 a. Kinetic energy and momentum
b. Potential energy and work
 c. Velocity and acceleration
 d. Weight and force
Q7. a stone is whirled, the st0ne experience an inward f0rce by string which is?
A. centrifugal f0rce
B. proportional to square of speed
C. tangent
D .inverse of square of speed
Q8. 0ne v0lt can be defined as?
A.1J w0rk d0ne in m0vng unit p0sitve charge fr0m 0ne p0int to an0ther
B.rati0 of energy dissipated at 0ne and other p0int
C.rati0 of p0wer dissipated at 0ne and other p0int
Q9. w0rk d0ne by a c0nstnt s0urce 0f 1kW p0wer that is 1000 J per sec in 0ne hr is?
b. watt
c. watt hour
Q10. If in a parallel plate capacitor we insert a metal sheet of half the thickness as compared with the spacing between the plates of the capacitor, the capacitance becomes...?
A) C/4
B) C/2
C) 2 C
D) 4 C
E) 0.5 C

Q11. the focal length (f=10cm). At what distance object should be placed to get an image twice size of 0bjcet?
Q12. In difracti0n experiment, something d0ne by m0ving apparatus away fr0m screen such that plane wavefronts are obtained! This describes?  
 A.michels0n diffracti0n
B.newt0ns diffracti0n
Q13. Which of the following electromagnetic phenomenon wave nature is n0t enough to explain?
A. Photoelectric effect
 B. interference
 C. Diffracti0n
Q14. a freely falling object is an example of?
 A.newt0ns first law
B.newt0ns 2nd law
C. Archimedes principle
Q15. If resulting intensity is greater than individual intensities of two waves then it is?
A. Constructive interference
B. Destructive interference
C. Instinctive interference
D. n0ne
Q16. for 0 to 10 degrees Celsius rise in temperature, volume of water will?
 A. increase
B. decrease
C. first decreases then increases
D. no effect
Q17. In an organ pipe if a person blows it fast then what change will occurs in sound waves?
I. speed
II. Amplitude
III. Freqeuncy  
IV. Intensity
 a.I n II
B.I 0nly
c III only
d I,II,III and IV
Q18. A gas has a volume of 500 ml at 760 torr. What will be the pressure if the volume is reduced to 300 ml...?
1266.67 torr
Q19. A student calculates the result of an experiment as 1.65, 1.72 and 1.89... But when he checks the answer, it comes out to be 2.35. What would it be called?
A = No precision and no accuracy.
B = No precision but accurate.
C = No accuracy but precise.
D = Accurate and precise.
Q20.  Heating a gas at constant volume will cause...  
A. Increase in temperature.
B. Increase in temperature and internal energy.
C. Increase in internal energy.
D. Decrease in internal energy and increase in temperature.

Q21. Light passes through two parallel slits and falls on a screen. The pattern produced is due to interference and:
A. Reflection
B. Refraction
C. Polarization
D. Diffraction
E. Absorption

Q22. A racing car accelerates uniformly through three gears, changes with the following average speed:
20 for 2.0 s
40 for 2.0 s
60 for 6.0 s
What is the overall average speed of the car?
A. 12
B. 13.3
C. 40
D. 48
E. 37

Q23. Radiation is the chief method of energy transfer:
A. from the Sun to an Earth satellite
B. from a gas flame to water in a teakettle
C. from a soldering iron to metals being soldered
D. from water to an ice cube floating in it
E. from a mammal to the surrounding air


Q1. The difference between the rough Endoplasmic reticulum and smooth endoplasmic reticulum is due to the presence of
a. mesosomes
b. Ribosomes
c. Golgi bodies
d. mitochondria
Q2. Which of the following is correctly paired with its function?
a. Mitochondria
b. Golgi bodies = formation of polysaccharides
c. Lysosomes is a single celled organelle for packing
d. Ribosome , work more efficiently in acidic medium
e. none
Q3. which of the following hormones of endocrine system is not paired correctly?
 a. Anterior Pituitary Gland =LH
b.  Adrenal Cortex = Glucocorticoids
c .Posterior Pituitary Gland = FSH
d. Adrenal medulla = epinephrine
 e. Parathyroid = paratharmone
Q4. Ascaris belongs to the phylum...?
Federal Medical and Dental College
a. Annelida
b .Arthropoda
c. Nematodes
d. Echinodermata
e. Platyhelminthes
Q5. The process of formation of RNA from DNA is called
b. Transcription
c. Mutation
d. replication
Q6. Loss of water through hydathodes is called
a. Guttation
b. Transpiration
c. photosynthesis
d. respiration

Q7. Which of the following is the part of Pectoral Girdle?
A. Patella
B. Pubis
C. Femur
D. Glenoid cavity
Q8. Antibodies are not present in...?
A. Blood
B. Lymph
C. Plasma
D. Saliva
Q9. Two or more populations of different species living and interacting in same area are called
A. Group
B. Community
C. habitat
D. population

Apple trees, oaks and palm trees are...?
A. Angiosperms
B. Gymnosperms
C. Chordates
D. Bryophytes
Q11. Cerebellum causes...?
A. Muscle contraction
B. Blinking of eyes
C. Dilation and constriction of pupil
D. Knee jerking
Q12. if a man is color blind and marry with normal woman what will be correct?????
a.100% of females will be carrier and 100% of males will be normal
b.50% normal males 100% affected females
c.50 % males affected 50% female carriers
d.100 % females normal 50 % males affected
Q13. Pepsin is a ______and secreted by ______
a. acid.....intestine
b. Enzyme.....Stomach
c. Protein.....Jejunum
d. secretion...pancreas
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Q14. Which one of the following is the correct outline of the main events in photosynthesis?
a. Oxygen reacts with a carbohydrate to produce water and carbon dioxide in the presence of light
b. Light joins carbon dioxide to an acceptor compound which is then reduced by hydrogen obtained from water
c. Light splits water and the resulting hydroxyl group combines with a compound which has incorporated carbon dioxide
d. Light splits carbon dioxide and the resulting carbon then combines with oxygen and hydrogen obtained from water
e. Carbon dioxide combines with an acceptor compound and this is reduced by hydrogen split from water by light

Q15. Progesterone causes?
A. Makes uterus ready for implantati0n
B. Releases FSH
C. pr0duces f0licle
D. inhibits LH
Q16. which one is not a respiratory organ of arthropods?
a. Gills
b. Book lung
c. Trachea
d. antenna
Q17. what is that response in which organism don’t sh0w any differences on repeated UN- harmful affects?
a) imprinting
b) habituation
c) instinct learning
d) learning

Q18. which one is the correct for the theory of Darwin??
I. struggle for existence
II. survival I
IV. evolution
a. I,II,III,Iv
d. II, I , III , IV
Q19. Which one is not an STD??
a. G0n0rhea
b. syphilis
d. meningitis
e. herpes simplex

Q20. The common disease caused by lack of vitamin C is called:
A. Diabetes Mellitus
B. Typhoid
C. Scurvy
D. Malaria
E. None of the above

Q21. The cell transmits impulses from the
A. effector organ to the spinal cord
B. receptor cells to the effector organ
C. receptor cells to the spinal cord
D. spinal cord to the effector organ
E. spinal cord to the receptor cells

Q22. How many bones are present in the wrist?
A. Four bones
B. Six bones
C. Eight bones
D. Ten bones
E. Many bones

Q23. Molds and yeast are classified as
A. Rhodophytes
B. Bryophytes
C. Fungi
D. Ciliates
E. Flagellates
Get MCAT 2016 paper


Q1. The pH of 1 Molar KOH is...?
A. 8
B. 7
C. 14
D. 1
Q2. The electronic configuration 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d7 depicts an atom of the element:
A. Br
B. Co
C. Ga
D. Mg
E. Cd

Q3.  Oxidation of secondary Alcohol gives...?
A. Aldehyde
B. Ketone
C. Ethene
D. Mineral acid
Q4. If two atoms of different elements having different electro negativities combine in such a way, that they share electrons... then the bond between them is...?
A. Polar covalent.
B. Non-polar covalent
C. Hydrogen bond
D. Ionic bond
Q5. Shiny, electrically non conducting, and brittle. These characteristics depict that the element under consideration is...?
A. Halogen
B. Transition Metal
C. Alkali Metal
D. Alkaline earth metal
Check UHS MCAT syllabus

Q.6 which of the following is a most highly reactive metal?
A = Na
B = Cl
C = Mg
D = Fe

Q7. There is a chemical under consideration. We don't know if its is HCl or H2SO4. Which of the following compounds will react with the chemical under consideration to produce a precipitate and hence confirming the fact that the chemical is H2SO4...?
A. LiNO3
B. Ba(NO3)2
C. AgNO3
D. NaCl
Q8.  Give the IUPAC name of


Q9. how many electrons are in Cl-37 with charge minus 1?

Q10. A gaseous organic compound, X, was burnt in an excess of oxygen. A 0.112 dm sample of X, measured at s.t.p., produced 0.88 g of carbon dioxide.
How many carbon atoms are there in one molecule of X?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. 8

Q11. In neutralization:
A. the base is neutralized
B. the acid is neutralized
C. a salt is formed
D. all of the above

Q12. -rays (Alpha) are:
A. fast moving electrons
B. protons
C. neutron
D. positively charged helium nuclei

Q13. Which orbital has lowest energy?
A. 3d
B. 3p
C. 4s
D. 4f
E. 5f

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