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Guide map of NICE |
1. NUST Institute of
Civil Engineering (NICE), School of Civil & Environmental Engineering (SCEE), National
University of Science and Technology (NUST) is a prime Institution of the
country offering high quality education in Civil Engineering. NICE offers
Bachelor of Civil Engineering Degree besides MS and PhD programmes and remains
in the forefront as a constitute institute of NUST in promoting sound
engineering education characterized by quality, extensive research and global
exposure. Graduates of the NUST are made to develop the potential and promise
to deliver in the technology and business-intensive environment of today and
meet the challenges of the highly competitive world of tomorrow.
2. Careful reading and understanding of the
information contained in this document will aid the student’s smooth transition
to this new phase of their academic life. An overview of various aspects
of training and administration is provided so as to help you settle down during
the first few weeks. We look forward to meeting you and pursuing your degree
program successfully at NICE.
3. To apprise students and their guardians on the following
a. Documents to be submitted on arrival
b. Hostel accommodation
c. Orientation program
d. Hand Book for Undergraduate Students(To be issued on
4. All students will be registered with NUST and allotted a
registration number within first two weeks of Fall Semester.
5. The undergraduate Civil Engineering (CE) program is based
on academic and research requirements as prescribed by NUST Statutes/ Policies
and PEC’s guidelines. Upon successful completion, students will be awarded BE
(Civil Engineering) Degree by NUST, duly accredited by Pakistan Engineering
Council (PEC).
Training Facilities Available at the Campus
6. The Institute offers following facilities:-
a. Library
(1) A purpose built spacious library is located within the
building for the students. Library has variety of books on engineering,
computers, history, general topics and civil engineering in particular in the
form of hard and soft copy. In addition, latest books and magazines are
purchased on regular basis to supplement the books already held. The number of
technical books in different forms is as follow:-
Books (hard
- 20000
Online Books/Journals through
- 70000
- 600
- 515
- 35
- 1575
- 350
(2) Access to National and
International Data-Bases. Line
and wireless internet is available in the library to access other libraries.
Access to various databases is available:
McGraw Hill Books, Springer link, ASCE
Science Direct, E-brary, Jstore
Taylor & Francis Journals & IEEE Journals & Magazines
Institute of Engineering and Technology (IET)
Engineering Solutions for Academia (ESDU)
World Bank E-Library etc.
(3) Journals / International
Publications. Various national and international journals pertaining to
civil engineering are available in hard and soft form and sufficient number of
journals and magazines are subscribed through hard copies. The library is also
linked to the HEC-supported online access to various research journals.
Photo copying, and printing facilities are available on payment. Photocopying
and reproduction of copy right and classified documents is strictly forbidden.
Centre. A well-equipped computer lab is available to students.
Latest, state of the art computer software’s are available for academic and the
research work to the students. Internet facilities are available throughout the
campus in the form of LAN and WAN.
d. Training Aids.
Multi-media, view graphs, slide projector, digital cameras, etc; are available
for use as and when required.
Students can purchase stationery from campus stationary shop.
Joining Procedure
7. All students will report on 17th Sep at 0900
hours at NICE reception desk
in NICE building. On arrival, the students will sign the arrival register
placed at the reception office of NICE. Orientation program is attached as per Annex A.
8. Students should bring along following
a. Original National Identity Card along with
4 attested photo copies
b. 6 (Six) passport size and 4 (Four)
c. Medical fitness certificate along with
blood group report a registered
Medical practitioner
d. Original SSC, HSSC (or equivalent) along with 4x
photocopies of each certificate duly attested. (Keep photocopies and scanned
copies for your personal record subsequent use) as your original documents will be
retained by institute.
e. O/A level examinations equivalent certificates from IBCC
f. Original NUST selection letter
g. Forms. The following attached forms should be filled, signed and
submitted upon joining:-
Annex B
Undertaking (on Rs.20 stamp
Annex C
Particulars of wards of defence service
Annex D
Undertaking by students and
Annex E
General Information
9. Accommodation.
a. Students interested in hostel accommodation should download
the hostel-accommodation Form from the NUST website or following link:
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b. NUST students requesting hostel accommodation will be
provided with
furnished rooms.
However, the students shall bring their own bedding, i.e. bed cover, pillow
with cover, blanket, etc.
c. Hostel accommodation is allotted on first-come first-serve
basis depending on availability.
10. Dress Code / Outfit / Clothing. There is no specified uniform; however a proper
dress code is to be followed, as specified below:
a. Male Students
(1) Dress pants and dress shirts of decent color (Shorts or
Bermudas not
(2) Simple jeans with T-Shirt (with collar).
(3) Shalwar Kameez of decent color (properly ironed).
b. Female Students
(1) Shirt with appropriate length and normal pattern shalwar
(low neck and sleeveless shirts not allowed).
(2) Duppatta or Shawl (compulsory).
(3) Small heel or flat shoes (high heels not allowed).
(4) Trousers with long shirts (trousers with slits not allowed).
11. NUST Identity Card. All students will be issued temporary identity cards on
arrival. However, permanent NUST identity cards will be issued later.
Students will be responsible for the safe custody of their identity cards.
12. Accuracy of University Records. Students are expected to furnish accurate and complete information
on all university forms and documents, including applications for admission and
financial aid, references, local and home addresses and for other types of
records. Provision of any inaccurate / concealment of information may lead to
termination from the institute.
13. Leave. Students are required to get the leave sanctioned in advance on
prescribed leave application form. No student is allowed to leave the
classrooms in anticipation. Leave application form is to be submitted only for
genuine emergencies. However, 75% attendance is mandatory for the students to
take semester exam in taught subjects. Students are required to be present in
the classroom as per the training program.
14. Discipline. Political activities are strictly forbidden on NUST premises, and
all students are required to give a written undertaking at the time of
admission that they will refrain from politics during their stay at NUST. The
following practices are considered unacceptable for the students:
a. Theft or damage to the property of Institute or of property
of a member of Institute community or the property of a visitor to school or
abetment to any of the above.
b. Conduct that results in conviction of a crime or crimes in
a court of competent jurisdiction may subject a student to disciplinary action
including suspension or expulsion.
c. Possession of firearms, explosives, dangerous chemicals or
other weapons on NICE campus, or the display or use of the above to intimidate,
frighten or control individuals.
d. Engaging in conduct which obstructs or disrupts teaching,
research, administration, disciplinary procedures, or other activities of the
e. Keeping pets/animals, cassette players etc., or possessing
any morally/religiously objectionable printed material.
f. Using drugs and smoking on the Campus.
15. Academic Honesty
a. NICE requires all students to adhere to high standards of
integrity in their academic work. The school follows a zero-tolerance policy
for activities such as plagiarism and cheating. Students found involved in such
activities are subject to serious disciplinary action.
b. Plagiarism is defined as the use, whether by paraphrase or
direct quotation, of the published or unpublished work of another without full
and clear acknowledgment. Cheating includes giving or receiving of unauthorized
assistance on quizzes, examinations or written assignments from any source not
approved by the instructor. Examples of cheating include but are not limited
(1) Submitting someone else’s work as one’s own with or without
the permission of the individual concerned
(2) Allowing someone to copy one’s work
(3) Using a writing service or having someone else to write a
paper for oneself
(4) Using someone else’s work without proper citation
(5) Submitting collaborative and/or group work as one’s own
(6) Stealing a test or question paper from a teacher or her/his
c. Taking a course and/or examination for another student
d. Using
unauthorized materials during a test or exam
16. Rules/Regulations.The
Institute follows semester system of teaching. Grade is awarded on a variable
grading system. Students will be briefed about academic regulations on joining.
17. Scholarships & Financial Assistance. Awarded as under:-
a. Students with semester GPA 3.50 and above
are eligible for merit scholarship of differing amounts on a sliding scale.
b. Various organizations also offer
Scholarship/Financial Assistance.
c. NUST Need Based Scholarship. Scheme available to enable
financially under-privileged but talented students to acquire higher education
on NUST campuses. Salient features of the scheme are:
(1) Scholarship is based on assessment of need
and merit as well as availability of funds.
(2) Scholarship awarded for full duration of
the programme in which the students is enrolled. Minimum CGPA of 2.5 is
d. Deferred Payment. Such needy students as are unable to pay the fee shall be allowed
deferred payment on case to case basis. A beneficiary will be required to pay a
minimum of 50% in each semester and the remaining 50% amount on graduation in
easy installments.
18. Transport Facility
for Day Scholars. Pick and
drop facility on selected routes will be provided on payment after students
feedback within one week of commencement of course.
19. Mess. All
students utilizing the hostel facilities will dine in respective hostel mess
and would be required to clear mess bills on monthly basis. They will become
members of the mess on the day of reporting.
20. Opening of Bank
Account. All students intending to open bank account in Habib Bank
Limited at H-12 Sector, Islamabad should bring 4 attested copies of CNIC along
with original. Students not in possession of ID card may use
supplementary ATM of their parents’ bank accounts. (Bank Tel No’s: 051-9085
1591, 9085 1593)
21. Personal Transport. Students joining the hostel are allowed to bring bicycle only at
the time of joining. Other transport car/motor cycle will require prior
permission of Hostel Management.
22. Hand Book. An Undergraduate Student’s Hand Book will be provided on arrival
of the student for detailed information regarding NUST. The students are
required to read it carefully and get the undertaking (last page of handbook)
countersigned by the parents/guardian.
24. Postal Arrangements. All incoming private mail will be placed at the
Reception Office next to the main entrance of the respective hostel building.
Registered letters will be handed over personally. Postal address will be as
(a) For Students
name, Block & Room no.
University of Sciences& Technology (NUST)
Sector, Kashmir Highway, Islamabad.
(b) For NICE Office
Institute of Civil Engineering (NICE)
University of Sciences& Technology (NUST)
Sector, Kashmir Highway, Islamabad.
25. Important Notice for Parents
a. Under the provision of Para 33 (a) Chapter V of NUST
Statues/ Regulations, a student shall Not
be allowed to appear in the
final examination of a subject in which his attendance is less than 75%, and he
shall be awarded “F” grade in that subject. The “F” grade so obtained shall
only be cleared by repetition of the course whenever offered.
b. An online system, Learning Management System (LMS – a
portal for interaction between faculty and students) is being used for sharing
course contents, maintaining students’ attendance, grading etc. Students will
be given a username and password for accessing LMS portal via Parents can use the LMS credentials of their
ward for checking the attendance status online any time during the semester.
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